Sunday, May 25, 2014

SSSA ASS Bardhyl Priest / m par Ethnologist Some day, in the halls of the National Historical Museu

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SSSA ASS Bardhyl Priest / m par Ethnologist Some day, in the halls of the National Historical Museum in Tirana, opened the book and arts festival. When words for the book becomes all t m t heard of choosing books, especially books that are autorve them br t heard of as Laureate. Formerly, the early 80th century t t t last, a poet friend of mine gave timidity m novel Bridge on the Drina Ivo Andrii n prkthimin Russian. Plqeu m n q novel pages and read with a spirit, cnn money real estate as I read the Kazantzakis novel, Lo death, behold freedom. Two masterpieces cnn money real estate t assessed the Nobel Prize, and the fight that reflect qndresne t Balkan peoples against the Ottoman invaders. Thinking it would better if it was m Andrii novel I read t translated in Albanian language and a times, maybe even a few other times t, un, hastened pensioner to buy without asking for Prize. I thought that even though prkthim, novel sites that will bring in memory cnn money real estate m at knaqsi, that I felt when I read for the first time, saw there that I had read in Russian cnn money real estate language. Ability to discontinue further with parathnien m writing, I say that at the beginning of the first sites that n t'm reading down again. Prsri stroke lid book publishing shtpis name, name eprkthyesit, editor and decided to go to next m. It seemed that the translator probably had more experiences in prkthim, but I thought that after t pages before it will LIMONTA gjuhne will prpiqej to preserve artistic values to the novel. The pengohu walk, walk the zhgnjeu several more. The novel is masakrohej always carry a t em tepr with foreign words, sentences constructed to worse, with no logical expression cnn money real estate without literary figure, with findings to strained etc.. Of course, I was irritated with prkthyesen and editor. And I did not know them and I have no reason to criticize, but I can not be indifferent to what I read from that page in the site. Having read the novel, I noticed that neither she nor he did not know how to properly both languages. They did not speak eprkthyera pages in either Serbian or Albanian. It was a baffling language, a rrmuj fjalsh t listed as goods stolen in a magazin t s destroyed. I walked further I bore m. Prsri zhgnjime. To new words that were not in the vocabulary of Albanian gjkund, endless atrocities, t translated words wrong, badly built period t. Where should the subject was kallzuesi, where there was a need premri surnames; shkputej in mid sentence and the subject was located at the end! For curiosity, in one hundred pages before I delivered that were foreign fjalte shnim use. A page will, not least that a foreign word. Understandably, there are times that a foreign word that patjetr Brush, yes it can happen in case it has not words in English analogen cnn money real estate her. Brush is cultivated word in English is the word when prpunuar, or tried for fjalnprpjekur; prvrejtur conclusion; Intuit for smelling; prprzihet mingle; guslar for Troubadour; supesrsticioze fear for fear of magic; consider for the call; Coats for assembling; Unreal for non ivrtet; shebang for history; touch for touch; etc.. Add here the words to hastily created as bashkderdhje circumstances for collection; hot brandy for PON; protective for the eponymous cnn money real estate saint saint; pasndjekje pr ff; bourgeois houses (17th century bourgeois n t!); for abundant apricot apricot pulp; etc.. Such expressions are T scores. In some cases ngatrrohet Turkish word by word Muslim. Turkey is Muslim cnn money real estate would not, that there are Muslim Albanian, Serbian, Greek, Bulgarian, etc.. M not want to expatiate cnn money real estate further ability to DHN examples of errors, when the period starts to go Kohn and continues to the present or to simply kryerne when Gini ngatrrohen cnn money real estate with names and surnames premrat cnn money real estate etc.. Not wanting to sway in the publishing market for ethical shtpis, not iprmend names publisher and editor prkthyeses. I have no issue prqllim t t t many defects Similar prkthimi. The purpose is to tell my some t vrteta cnn money real estate about prkthimeve. Word prkthim jet can exact, when talking for a writing in gases, for a scientific books, cnn money real estate for a letter fardo. But is irrelevant when it uses the word n t eprkthimeve cases literary, poetry, cnn money real estate fiction, essays, sketches, drawings, etc. literary. Before somewhere

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