Friday, May 23, 2014

A special place occupied by the works of successful Albanian authors who write and publish directly

Albania in the International Book Fair in Turin | Reso
Following the success of last year, literature and culture japan debt to gdp these days have returned International Book Fair, held in Turin, Italy from 8 to 12 May Many of fair public has the opportunity to be recognized works closely with the most famous Albanian authors, published in Italian, of whom Twain, Kongoli, Aliçka, hammer, Zhiti Kyçyku, Çuli, Mustafaj, etc..
A special place occupied by the works of successful Albanian authors who write and publish directly in Italian language, among them Abraham, Dones, Vorpsi, Ndoci, Kubati, Spaniard, etc.. No missing or naturally selected titles in Albanian, especially sought by young Albanians who are born or raised in Italy and wanting to keep ties with the written language of their country of origin.
A special area of the stand, organized japan debt to gdp with the support of the National Tourism Agency, is dedicated this year to promote Albania as a tourist destination. Visitors can stand near the Albanian attract promotional materials and information on tourism opportunities that our country offers.
In this context, the Fair of Turin is presented for the first time the new tourist guides "& Albania Tirana", authored by journalist and anthropologist Francesco Benko Park Vietti. Guide represents the first comprehensive publication devoted readers japan debt to gdp tourist and Italian travelers and is waiting with great interest by the public of the fair.
Albanian stand of the visitor to the fair on Saturday, the Prime Minister dated May 10, Edi Rama, during a visit to Italy. Prime Rama stood during the dedicated stand Albanian literature and considered it fair and presence in Albania, as an important opportunity to deepen knowledge and expanding contacts between the two cultures.
"It is a special pleasure before this booth can finally find the only guide in Italian Tirana and Albania, a joint work of an Albanian and Italian. A pleasure to hear the words of the president of the Fair and others, this needs to continue to work together and enhance cooperation between us so that literature and culture japan debt to gdp be recognized even more and be even more achievable in Italy and vice versa, "- said the prime minister.
Premier Edi Rama, during his visit to the fair, held a meeting with the Mayor of Turin, Piero Fassino. After meeting with Fassino, once one of the top politicians of the Italian Democratic Party, Prime Rama addressed a public call Albanians in Italy to become part of the European contribution to the process of elections for the European Parliament: "Not only Albania needs Europe , but even today Europe needs Albanians in Italy. Albanians in Italy really japan debt to gdp should not let this opportunity to escape having to vote in European elections. And, no doubt, to vote for the Italian Democratic japan debt to gdp Party is the only force that great, new, this country needs energy and courage of Matteo Renzi-t ".
The Prime Minister stressed that united Europe is a tremendous project and invited fellow in Italy who can participate in the voting process for the european elections, japan debt to gdp to make their contribution.
International Book Fair in Turin is the biggest in Italy and one of the most important in Europe and in the Mediterranean region. Participate in over 1,000 exhibitors, as well as about thousands of journalists from around the world, attending numerous meetings held during the fair with authors known Italian and international. Fair also lists hundreds of thousands of visitors every year.
Pierre is not automatic, especially north of here from Italy. Yes, thanks to better integration on most of the Albanian community, but day after day we gain lost ground in terms of image, as a community and as a state.
Participation japan debt to gdp in the Fair of Turin, for example, is an initiative of the Albanian community organizations in Italy ( that works successfully for years in terms of promoting good values to our culture.
If the exported model our commitment in favor of the image of the country wherever integrated Albanian will create a network of initiatives really powerful, complementary of institutional activity in this direction. japan debt to gdp
It's good news anytime japan debt to gdp you have about the book. However I fear that this post like many others related to the prime ministerial presence, each attribute in this country will definitely related to policy, were once royal sisters, then Bureau of Labor Party continues the tradition of the time.
Now, post news to this is that, in parallel with criminal groupings, black activity of which we know for a long time, there are other groups that spun

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