Saturday, May 31, 2014

The appeal was made following the meeting held with the Head of Government of Turin Mayor Piero Fas

Premier visits regressionskoeffizient Book Fair in Turin / Rama appeal Albanians: vote in EP elections for PDI Matteo Renzi (VIDEO) | Journal Web
"Not only Albania needs Europe, but Europe needs today Albanians in Italy. regressionskoeffizient Albanians in Italy really should not let this opportunity to escape having to vote in European elections. regressionskoeffizient And, no doubt, to vote for the Italian Democratic Party is the only force that great, new, this country needs energy regressionskoeffizient and courage of Matteo Renzi-T, "said the prime minister Rama in an appeal to all Albanians living in Italy and they have the right to vote.
The appeal was made following the meeting held with the Head of Government of Turin Mayor Piero Fassino, one of the top politicians of the Italian Democratic Party. The Prime Minister stressed that Europe regressionskoeffizient is united extraordinary project, the most important project that brought together men and women and brought forward.
Premier is in Italy, where he visited the International Book Fair in Turin, in which Albania is presented with its stand. Prime Rama stood during the dedicated stand Albanian literature, where authors are exposed Albanian publications translated into Italian, as well as a number of titles in English. Rama praised the fair and in the presence of Albania as an important opportunity to deepen knowledge and expand contacts between the two cultures.
"It is a special pleasure before this booth can finally find the only guide in Italian Tirana and Albania, a joint work of an Albanian regressionskoeffizient and Italian. A pleasure to hear the words of the president of the Fair and others, this needs to continue to work together and enhance cooperation between regressionskoeffizient us so that literature and culture be recognized even more and be even more achievable in Italy and vice versa, "said the premier.
edi thumbs so go, will work with internationals and Italy show good relationships and the benefits that we can have with them. This is a light that shows us that your government is doing work with the best
Tomka - May 11, 2014 at 6:03 pm
Halal edo o some mer not say these Lyra DP headed by the dog ate sali who knows c s concerns that are detected any dirt that has made! Respect for the government so continue!
good introduction to nothing! How does sdini you see the things as a story that says everybody Basha as mireqen receive! shifini as things are! Bravo must say that Albania and the police are dealing come! Sali's time that we were criminals in state
Albanian youth should be stopped regressionskoeffizient hand of these politicians Mafia drug dealer Albanian youth in the streets now or never for an Albania that says no crime, no unemployment rate no inequality, no corruption
Lord Rama, as I and many other Albanians have the right to vote Renxin party, the Democratic Party of Italy meanings, that it deserves. Why? After many years you are in Italy, the first prime minister is Renxin that increased wage packet-80 Euro, for every month. I consider about a trediçezimo plus. There is only the PM but this merit is always shown with serious shit from other parties and social programs that granted. I am not satisfied with the policy you have made. There is much to do in the future. Remains foremost the strengthening of unity within the party.
Complete phase out edi? Why, what have you that you vote for? You will live in Italy? Puno poses ass, fills and promises to the electorate, let alone Italy. Italy is entering a new phase. all the old politicians should leave once and for all. Soon you will also turn vi Albania to this new policy that is being born in Italy.
Treviso: even thou eat bread for 2 weeks with 80 EURO? Larry BUDALLALLLIQET, Italy does not begin and end to your house. Being a worker as you are, and not to understand your rights, what if tomorrow if they do not work? So will talk? Eat less pasta, and read more about your rights.
Treviso. I have done better wage packet accounts? Let them be, let them say. Gave you will receive 80 of 100. You seem very pleased by the gratuity to let them gave. With 80 euros let them wants to buy votes? Dance 80 euros solve the problem of the Italian financial crisis?
Thank God you came Albanian Prime Minister in this book fair, the book participates Classifieds, presented by??? , Albanian media that otherwise would not have given this event even as news about the book. Come newspapers and TV, you have to Albania!?! Very informative! Even in this case to visit Edith, any news on English books on this fair!
I view that you do not understand. I also learned you are even less, but it was not the problem here. 80 eu

Friday, May 30, 2014

Staff Contact Play Us Find 5 errors Tetris Sudoku packman Snake Smashing Try memory Poker machine P

Conchita Wurst wins Eurosongut, Russia: It's the end of Europe | ONLINE Panorama
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European Festival winner, Austrian Conchita Wurst Festival bearded European triumphs Despite petitions to pull out of the race and censorship of her song, Wurst got more than 290 points for the European Festival, during the Eurosongut been spoken for. Called Conchita Wurst, labeled as "bearded women" and is the winner of the 2014 European Festival with the song "Rise like a phoenix". With this unusual representative Austria, which had not seen the trophy since 1966, failed to win the right to this great musical event held exactly in Vienna next year. Before an audience of about 180 million television viewers from 45 countries Wurst has challenged top heel cushions, wearing a stylish dress black beard that surrounded his face. At the time when the news was announced that Austria will be represented by this "drag japan ageing population queen", a fierce debate erupted, not only in social networks, but also included representatives from politics, even countries that had signed petitions for exclusion japan ageing population of Austria from the festival . However, all these controversies appeared to go in favor of the Wurst, which tears at the scene of Eurosongut, pulling the trophy, said: "This night is dedicated to everyone who believes in a future free and at peace. You know who you are-we are united and unstoppable. " japan ageing population During the press conference after the final night of the festival, she said: "Truly I dream a world where we do not have to talk about irrelevant things japan ageing population like sexuality, from who you are and I really want ... I feel that today Europe showed that is united, japan ageing population full of respect and tolerance. japan ageing population " Eurosongut victory by Wurst commented Austrian Minister of Culture, Josef Ostermayer, as "a victory for tolerance and respect in Europe". While many foreign media in this trophy is seen not only as a victory japan ageing population against homophobia, but also to Russia. Russian reactions to severe reactions undoubtedly came from Russia. Russian deputy Vitaly Milonov, the same one who said that gay athletes should be arrested during the Olympic Games in Sochi, if promote homosexuality, Wurst called "perverse", while Euroopain japan ageing population Festival "Gay japan ageing population Parade in Europe", which "offends millions of Russians ". There were also protests in Ukraine and Belarus, where thousands have signed a petition Belarusians. Likewise, in Armenia, whose representative said that "his mind should Conchita if it is male or female". Others have demanded censorship of her song from their televisions. After announcing the victory japan ageing population of Conchita Wurst 59th edition of the European Festival, on Russian state television japan ageing population ran a debate on this topic. Ultranationalist Zhirinovsky has called this year's results as "the end of Europe." BBC correspondents in Russia say that they did not expect this event very well. But frustration has come together with the humor. Conchita Wurst became the subject of anecdotes. In a comic Russian program japan ageing population said: "Conchita learn to be a CIA agent, created to destroy the moral and spiritual values of the Russians." Final real name is Thomas Neuwirth Conchita Wurst. Born in a small town in November 1988 and decided to become Conchita only in 2011, when taking part in a "reality-show" Austrian national television. She emerged as the winner on Saturday evening at the scene of Copenhagen, under a heated atmosphere and waving colorful Austrian. She managed to get 290 votes. In second place was ranked the Netherlands japan ageing population with "Calm After the Storm", sung by The Common Linnets and Sweden in third place with "Undo", performed by Sanna Nielsen. Failed to get anything Yaremtchouk singer japan ageing population Ukrainian Mariya, for which ex-boxer Vitali Klitschko urged juries to vote for him and not Russian twin sisters, for "ire" of Vladimir Putin. A call that not only had no effect, but was criticized by musicians. Debate between Eneda Tariff and Kristi Pinderi
Eneda fee, Kristi Pinderi debate over Austrian performance in the European Festival scene can not even commented on the Albanian social networks. Condoned a dichotomy, those for and against participation Conchita Wurst, or otherwise called as "bearded women". A

Vice President of the Foreign Affairs, Aldo, called the irresponsible attitude of the government, w

Hoxha debates photos / Dade: Enver was commander of the War | Journal Web
Vice President of the Foreign Affairs, Aldo, called the irresponsible attitude of the government, which he attempts to restore the worship of the image of the dictator, forcing officials to bow before the portrait of Enver Hoxha.
"Recent events that photographs Albania dictator who caused it not caused any invader, senior officials and ministers who bow before the dictator ...", began his speech Bumci, as he continued on to say that: "Enver Hoxha is our Hitler, our Hitler to restore the worship and after 24 years, is unprecedented."
"Europe and the civilized values, can not override values exceptional World War II, fascist, as well as the struggle of the Albanian people, historical house prices Fascist National Liberation, which is the bedrock values of our historical heritage. As regards i'u certain figures, in certain periods of our history, have been positive or at other periods are transformed and become negative, we must leave you the historians, we should educate generations with love and respect for the land and conspicuous patriotism. And this was in the context of celebrations or memorials May 5, "said Dade.
Enver Hoxha is the greatest misfortune of Albanian history .. how 'wrestled' and how he 'fought' know very well, is Miladin Popovic what role we play together with Enver LANC? if teens do not know the history better positioned than not to talk nonsense, I think that the miserable condition in which Albania is still is as a result of government that 'survivors' of Enver ... salinjte, Edvina, fatoserat, imams, etc. note etc. are continuity of Enver Hoxha because otherwise there is no explanation that Ilir Hoxha comes with disclaimers that said 'merits' of Enver Hoxha large ... is a pity that Albania continues to be occupied by Enverist and their children ... I hope that Albania has hopes only to the younger generation that is growing in Europe and has a completely different mentality from that of the 'pioneers of Enver' ....
kopuku ... My family and I have removed the black point of the dictatorship of Enver and are kicked from the house were detained together with uncles grandfather as too many Albanians imprisoned without fair ... so do not want to take my personal historical house prices this issue of persecution because of Enver sh knows well that all persecuted Albanian people (but a part of the press as a ruthless dictator .. in this grouping enters persekutuarish my family ...) Well 'kopuku' need to come to my position and see how I can speak to ... Illyrian Enver Hoxha has not moral right to appear before the media and tell us who was Albanian Enver Hoxha because we knew him better by themselves iliri ruthless dictator ... iliri poooo can mburri father of His indoors or through family and let's say you wanted CTE but not before the media because it is a hypocrisy that goes beyond any imagination, 'kopuku' if you're simple people like me how to ethically we must keep the people simple because we as a family have given more rifle as a reward Enver homeland and imprisoned us and exile us, my grandfather has today downtown bust once again higher than might be you so long his suffering people he knew and appreciated him now in the era of democracy ... even for me to understand more secure to democracy but that I had cfaj Enver not allowed to continue with high school? person in life has a chance to be educated and we Enver denied as family understands .. I believe you and your family if you hook something or they have been less privileged by Enver then change things but to respect you as ordinary people do not feel the need to tell us how how it works democracy ... I am convinced that all these years in Albania qeverrisi sons of former Enverist Saliu's starting to Rama differently if I had true democracy in Albania Ilir Hoxha and Length imam should be hung or shot as Ceausescu equally between Tirana where even dragged bust of Enver Hoxha ... ('m proud that I was among the crowd when she withdrew dragged bust of the dictator ...)
Jacques O! Enver Hoxha's contribution in the struggle for national liberation day by day today is questionable. After the war did more for this country as for education, health, social stratification, etc.., As they did for their countries Hitler, Mussolini. Then these three practiced genocide against their citizens, to became unacceptable in their countries. In a democratic world, everyone has the right to demonstrate their portraits, not enough to encourage

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Opposition can find lots of causes that can be reliable. She could press charges and for such const

Being "good" for Berisha! | Newspaper theme
Persistence surprise me Basha parliamentary group, to proclaim Albania black ops 2 crashes on startup a drug cartel. It is whether there really anything to Albania these eight months, which is governed by the Socialists, who according to the opposition leader, have turned the country into drug cartel. There is no drugs in Bangladesh. Every day police seize hundreds of kilos and this is the only official source we learn that in this land is cultivated drugs. But if there is someone who should black ops 2 crashes on startup be silent about this, today is the opposition.
There are some issues of public debate, which the opposition must avoid to forget at least that are the responsibility of hers. Moreover he should not turn the debate to priorities, as only strengthen its profile in public fabulous.
Drugs that caught every day in the streets of Albania, black ops 2 crashes on startup is planted cannabis in Albania in the period that the ruling party was Sali Berisha and Basha, black ops 2 crashes on startup who since it was election year, really turned black ops 2 crashes on startup almost Albania drug plantation. For purely physical reasons, since they have gone from power, has not yet come the new season of planting drugs, and even worse, yet there has been drug harvest season. He is in September. If Albania is indeed black ops 2 crashes on startup drug cartel, Basha, Sali Berisha and Flag Noka must apologize deeply Albanians, the first to have returned to the plantation site drug, and the second to use them for crime tarnished Albania .
We know that the whole of Basha is a reciter who suffers from constipation political ideas, but do opposition parliamentary group, black ops 2 crashes on startup announcing major drug problem that has left fairing Albania, meaning double insult to society, the it seeks to gain the confidence to choose.
But it is not just the issue of drugs. There are plenty of other details, where the opposition led by the principle that the bad things that have happened in its governance, decriminalized only when they are in opposition. I was impressed by a cover of the official newspaper of the DP, who spoke for a crime of a Renaissance minister in Durres, by building a runway into the sea. It is a track built by the company in Durres Lefter Koka, begun in 2002, but the concrete in the years 2005-2013, at the time he was prime minister black ops 2 crashes on startup Sali Berisha. Is not that like what they have built, but they have a legal project, which they carried in the government of Sali Berisha. How is it, that when Berisha was prime minister, she called investment in tourism, while the eight months that he was in opposition, it is called greed and mafia?
Opposition can find lots of causes that can be reliable. She could press charges and for such constructions, but not by Jamarbëri, who has eight years left coast at the mercy of illegal constructions, he wanted to sell the firm's in-laws spots. The opposition can speak and drug trafficking, but not without at least finished the captives by the police, black ops 2 crashes on startup Nokes Flag crops Lazarat and other countries for electoral effects. The opposition can speak and tourist villages, but you Argita Berisha raising three story villas without permission as it Lalëz. Opposition can talk and army, but not politically protected Arben Imami, who is criminally indicted black ops 2 crashes on startup as a thief. Opposition can even speak and territorial separation efficiency, but not by going to jail a bandit who impose fines on businesses for political reasons as Mziu.
The opposition should abandon the principle of Sali Berisha, black ops 2 crashes on startup who he is, is good, although could be a murderer, smuggler, thief or spy insurance. black ops 2 crashes on startup And who is not, has all these black. Self within the DP, there are many people black ops 2 crashes on startup who have tried this. Genc Pollo was once Greek agent, spy insurance, Hajdari murderer, thief PD properties, etc.. There is that some of these things did not, but when he returned black ops 2 crashes on startup to the fold Berisha, there was none of these. Genc Ruli was once a spy insurance, walnut wood thief and schemer, but bowed his head and then when the split with Berisha, was forgotten. Gramoz Pasko was the anti-black black ops 2 crashes on startup figure of Albania, black ops 2 crashes on startup Greeks and Serbs spy, son and grandson communist criminal pro-Greek archbishop, but after 2005 it became good, and even declared at Luli 'DP. Azem Hajdari Insurance spy, spy Serbian black ops 2 crashes on startup customs trafficker, paid killer, etc., until they were killed, black ops 2 crashes on startup then became good and hero of democracy, is to Berisha. black ops 2 crashes on startup The list is long and touches many people who are in there who when they hear that Albania became a drug cartel for eight months, or that Lefter Koka runway built at sea for eight months, while there 12 years, just understand that there nothing has changed. Being the best means for Berisha to be either dead, or the subject before him. Anything else is criminal.
This applies especially to understand Basha. A

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Fists in parliament, houses sold in my street the opposition abandoned commissions, With ...

Fists in parliament, houses sold in my street the opposition abandoned commissions, With ...
Parliament of Kosovo, Krasniqi, who is entered in severe controversy with the leader of AKR, both Vice / Prime Minister of Kosovo, Pacolli, has not stopped. Through his profile on "Facebook", Krasniqi said he is willing to sell his house Behgjet Pacolli, who earlier said he is willing to buy for 1 million euros. Krasniqi said that if Pacolli gives money for 10 days he will leave the house and 600 thousand euros will give it to the poor, as promised.
"Victory of the Prime Minister, even though houses sold in my street the price of one million has been designated houses sold in my street for the head of government, that you are richer than he, at least on paper. Once word am. I also sell them with njajtin çmim.E you confirm once again that the 600,000 euros will help 20 poor families from 30,000 euros. Pour 10 days after you money in my account I left the house, but even as we agree, there is no problem from my side, "wrote Facebook Krasniqi.
President of AKR, Behgjet Pacolli, has asked the speaker to vacate Krasniqi, who has put on sale in the amount of 1 million euros, because he would buy and make nursery.
"Come let Krasniqi, that here the ambush pack. If I go bash as moqme our chambers, probably not come dumps ... You know that there is a fundamental difference between me and you. I talk about my wealth, houses sold in my street my sweat and consequently my family while you sweat citizens to Kosovës.Edhe know how they are doing ... not to extend me too. Even though I sweat money my respect, but I answer your bid. As have you casting house on sale, I buy it immediately, with 1 million of those somewhat rectory, and when you tell me already houses sold in my street collects the most Release plaqkat house because it will give the community for kindergarten children. But, you keep 600 thousand euros keyword and yang dominates among them because they really houses sold in my street are before them. You and your soul knows this best. "
Parliament Speaker Krasniqi was no reply to the Deputy Prime Minister of Kosovo charges, Pacolli. This latest in a telecast called rogue President of the Assembly, the psychopath malice. Krasniqi, houses sold in my street Prime Minister Hashim Thaci advised to not give him a lot of vodka Deputy Behgjet Pacolli, has even asked that Milosevic was not vodka Moscow conveyed through Dacic for Victory, as he calls Krasniqi.
"Many, many baci drink vodka somewhat Prime Minister? Prime minister, not to give too Baci Votkës your dose, the former first Deputy President of votes made liberators?! Or was it vodka Milosevic houses sold in my street to Moscow for Victory conveyed through houses sold in my street Dacic? You have been in my house Prime, baci was not, but if you believe it is worth a few million, I say I have the opportunity to earn more before. Come take my house 1 million to several million bacës sale. But I of a couple million to 1 600 000 will give the homeless houses sold in my street without houses sold in my street hesitation to Kosovës.Sipas what you estimated you, except that you get to pangishmit the Government, is to win the case would I fakir and no. If you do not want to won more money that you do not believe, houses sold in my street then you have deliberately misled the public. You stop scams pangishmit Government houses sold in my street that gas became o World of woe! If the fault is Initiative that will leave n'gojë fingers. On the other issue, you showed your evil spirit, just as you are, psychopaths, liars rogue ordinary. Fortune did not aske man, nor you. Woe to the country that you ride in the neck! "
Xenophobia on the other side of the barricade
I love Jennifer Lopez shows muscular body
Expects bride at the altar with the ball making styles

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

If European emigration in 1914 reached the highest point in the history of Argentina, it is estimat

Arbëreshët Argentina | Reso
If European emigration in 1914 reached the highest point in the history of Argentina, it is estimated that 1,760,000 persons entered the country within the period 1891-1910 (Devoto, Fernando J, de la inmigración History en la Argentina, Bs. Neither , Sudamericana, 2003, p. 162), it seems difficult to accept that Albanians have little impact on that figure, since they were small in number among the "other nationalities" under the third national home values estimate census of that year. Italians, unlike their neighbors closest Mediterranean, placed on opposite home values estimate sides, which over time constituted the largest number of arriturve in the state. To have a better idea, estimated 4.200.00 European immigrants entered Argentina between years 1881-1914. Among those, about 2,000,000 were Italians, Spaniards 1,400,000, 170,000 French and 160,000 Russians (Devoto Fernando J, "La inmigración" en Nueva History tional de la Argentina, Bs. Neither, Academia Nacional de la History-Ed. Planeta, 2000 Q IV, p. 89.); and this of course not including a large number of them returned home. In one way or the other numbers are undoubtedly controversial.
However, if you look carefully, you can show a different story. For example, it is not entirely accurate if only refer to a generation of "Italian immigration to Argentina", because when this process began, home values estimate neither Italy nor Argentina did not exist as states; materials home values estimate such as consolidated in 1870 after taking Rome, while the second ten years later, when national authorities took control of the capital Buenos Aires. Meanwhile, ordinary people can not receive citizenship - nation nonexistent or present only in the minds of some politicians and intellectuals Enlightenment, and who identify with their way of life, language, culture, place, and regions that share with neighbors , where values dominated by which their actions lead over a lifetime. And so logically home values estimate continues the formation of national states, where no changes automatically within a day and do not forget a single home values estimate moment in confidence which they are shaped home values estimate and generations before them, by a simple change of policy which neither knew. Moreover, this "change" the identities they think of as a process of gradual conquest, advancement of a new identity but with different routes being education and the education system one of the favorite ways of this conversion, but not only. Furthermore, "Genoese" who came here in the mid 1850 - 1860, but even earlier, who sometimes also known as "Italian", not the whole settling in Argentina, but in Buenos Aires, Uruguay, Paraguay, and in the coastal provinces of rivers and streams "Río de la Plata", where maritime traffic control along the years. That is, they did not go in any particular city, but in a region home values estimate that cross national borders, where an event took place which they throughout their tradition exercised floating profitable.
So we face a change of perspective. Displacements can be studied at the national level, but also more widely and in greater intensity in the regional and local level, to provide a better explanation and closest view of immigrants (Dalla Corte, y Gabriela Fernández, Sandra, Lugares money left story: espacio, regional history and local history home values estimate en los Estudios contemporáneos, Rosario, home values estimate UNR, 2001.), because it happened to Genoa not only happened to them, but their example can be seen in thousands of times, as happened the case of the Basques who established their identity on the borders home values estimate of Spain and France, who had little concern and committed to working site that positioned them as big merchants, just as farmers, landowners or masters simple. The fact that the Basques and Genoa among others can find scattered throughout the labor market, they focused on some very specific professions that speaks to them, and is indicative of other processes which will talk later . For the moment it suffices to say that to us is very unfair to refer to a generation of "European immigration to Argentina" because home values estimate immigrants not dispersed throughout the coastline of the state, but above all they were concentrated in the city and the provinces of Buenos Aires, home values estimate the richest areas of neighboring provinces like Santa Fe, Entre Ríos, Córdoba o La Pampa, in the Patagonias uninhabitable lands, as well as agro-industrial regions home values estimate of Sugar "Tucumán" and summer home values estimate "Mendoza". But the extent of their presence in the provinces was very inferior deep inside, so if in 1914 immigrants accounted for a third of the population of the villages and cities of Buenos Aires, slightly above the national level, and were half

Monday, May 26, 2014

Napoleon Bonaparte: feltham yoi French military leader feltham yoi and emperor, Napoleon Bonaparte

Five most brilliant generals of all time (Skanderbeg feltham yoi in fourth place) | Journal Web
Alexander the Great: King of Macedonia and conqueror of the Persian Empire, Alexander the Great is considered one of the greatest military geniuses of all times. He was an inspiration to other occupations later.
Despite disagreements, feltham yoi he led his army to victory in successive Persian territories in Asia Minor, in Egypt and not suffered any loss. Biggest was his battle feltham yoi Gaugamelas, now located in the north of Iraq, in the year 331 BC. The new king of Macedonia, leader of the Greeks, ruled Asia Minor and became pharaoh of Egypt and great king of Persia, when he was only 25 years old.
Napoleon Bonaparte: feltham yoi French military leader feltham yoi and emperor, Napoleon Bonaparte was one of the greatest rulers the world has known. He was also known as Napoleon I and conquered most of Europe in the early 19th century. Born in Corsica and quickly climbed the military ladder during the French Revolution.
The sharp, ambitious and a military strategist, feltham yoi Napoleon led the successful battle against various coalitions and European vendebe empire expanded. However, after a disastrous French invasion of Russia in 1812, Napoleon abdikoi the throne two years later and were migrating to the island of Elba. In 1815 he returned to power less. After losing the Battle of Waterloo, he abdikoi again and was sent to the island feltham yoi of St. Helena, where he died at the age of 51 - years.
Ghengis Khan: A great warrior and ruler of the Mongol, Ghengis Khan started from nothing to create one of the greatest empires that humanity has known, destroying tribes in northeast Asia. Once united nomadic tribes in Mongolia plateau, he captured vast areas in central Asia and in China.
When he was only 20 years old, began to build a large army with the aim of destroying the individual tribes and their unification under his rule. He was successful: the Mongol Empire was the largest in the world before the British Empire feltham yoi and lasted feltham yoi until his death.
The rapid success of the Mongol army is mainly due to the brilliant feltham yoi military tactics of Ghengis Khan, and the fact that he understood the motivations of enemies. Many people were massacred during his conquests. However he allowed feltham yoi religious freedom for the occupied subjects, torture abolished and created the first international postal system.
Skanderbeg: valued as a national hero in Albania, Skanderbeg was one of the military rulers who managed to drive the Ottoman Turks from his country for over two decades, halting Turkey's efforts to spread Islam in an area dominated by Roman Catholics.
As commander of the local lords in Albania, it sparked a revolt in his country in 1444 and managed to stop the Ottomans feltham yoi numerous attempts to get back to Albania and placed it under Muslim rule.
Attila the Huns: King of the 5th century Empire Huns, Attila, is one of the most successful barbarian rulers. He united the tribes of the kingdom HUNE and said it was a just ruler of his people. He was known, however, as aggressive and relentless campaigns to expand his empire. He destroyed the whole earth from the Black Sea to the Mediterranean and sowed fear throughout the Roman Empire. He however never failed to conquer Constantinople and Rome and left behind a family feltham yoi separated when he died in 453.
1-GENERAL most famous in the world is - Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin ....... that defeated Nazi plague in World War II, the Great, with bloody in human history! 2-General Second in the world is George Kastrioti Skanderbeg, who fought impossible with Turkish sultans, the most powerful empire of time saved Europe and Christianity from the total abolition! Europe today would be all Muslims, if not for our Skanderbeg! 3-Gen is the world's third Enver Hoxha, Albania was liberated without the help of any foreign soldier, bearing in Albania nailed four divisions NAZI, so necessary on the Eastern Front! All others, let us read these three might, and be comforted!
There can never are compared these harlequin, with George Kastriotin.Keta were all conquering, and have massacred thousands of innocent people have gone extinct and entire peoples in their expeditions can be called multiple pushtuese.E conquering the medhenj.Gjergj Galway , made a defensive war in his country against the barbarians osmane.Evropa bitch, you do not know this merit we Albanians, today would be raising ass uphill, if it were not for George Castriot feltham yoi that halted momentum Turks time of peak of their power. I do not believe that world history can find a jumbo as to compare its Galway with te.Keta that k

In September of 2010, only thanks to American passport, because adequately Greek authorities do not

My Return to Paramithia, to my roots Cham | Journal Web
It took over 66 years to return home, in Paramithia Cham. Then I was only 7 years old, and my wife Bule Pronjo 6 months and aunt son Dr. Tahsin Taurus was only 3 months old when we lost our fathers. So I as I still greatest in mind insatiable killings and sufferings brought upon Greek chauvinist Muharram 82 year old grandfather, grandmother-Rukije 72, father Ibrahim 52, mother-Betulla 36, Ferhat brothers 13 years Faruk 5 years and sister Magbule 2 years. They along with over 600 others killed paramithiotë were Albanian. While I Qerime sister suffered 10 years in prison until December 1944 when they drove us away by force and British soldiers transported us to the parent Albania. So I will try to tell you where the lands where our parents had raised towers of castles which were born
In September of 2010, only thanks to American passport, because adequately Greek authorities do not yet allow them to obtain entry visas Albanians were born there, we became possible with my wife to visit Bulin our Chameria. In the last World Pass, with tears in his eyes, entered the Holy Land. Impression that there are olives immediately falls endless and surprisingly they were carrying more than grains of olive leaves. Chameria is a province as rich and just as beautiful green hills with olives and fruit trees, meadows where cattle graze and sea with crystal clear water of the sound eye at Fila, Paramithia, Preveza, Margëlliç, Parga, Igoumenitsa and wherever the going.
We made the first break in Fila. Among the many newly constructed houses you see old house, half destroyed. There in the center, before the gymnasium in a beautiful garden was a cafe. I tried to speak English, but the waiter tells us that is not local. Then VAME in Paramithia. The house was built too, but Bollatatëve tower standing on top of the city. This medieval tower that was not only recovered, but returned to the museum Paramithia. Unfortunately that day was closed. Nearby stood the house where I was born, but still today inhabited by residents paligjëshëm. High stone portal of the door of the court no longer existed. In its place an iron door locked. Nobody adequately seemed. In the meadow where we used to play with peers Rexhepi, Midhat, Mihal of Janin have sprouted February. While many olives and figs with vegetable garden that surrounded our house lacked care and old hands warm; are back in the bushes and buildings.
In Tasini went to the place that was the home of his birth. I remember it was at boarding school gymnasium. There seemed some rubble thick wall, but was elevated to a new home of her lady told us it was coming in Paramithia of whom knew that the earth was. I asked an old lady that Lefteri residence, son of Spiro Muselimit book published in 1974 and 1997 "Historical overview through Çameria (Istoriko peripato tis the Thesprotia)" writes that Dinejtë, Pronjatët, Bollatatët, Manoplejtë and Kasimatët in Paramithia as well Caparejtë of Rojbatët in Margëlliç are more families and aghas had heard of Beys in the genocide. Unfortunately it down granny mountain villages refused to show.
Bulin while my wife had passed on the way to Sarajevo Pronjatëve, Islam Pronjos those who had fought with John Biarritz in Mount Melesini against the Turks as best man and defender of Chams Suols. On the walls of old houses that still stand are supported new construction, but no one came to ask. British Museum in London a few years ago found 19 Bronze sculptures displayed IV century AD, which was accompanied adequately by the words: "In the year 1792, several Albanian village near Paramithia discovered these amazing sculptures." We tried to find Pronjatëve lands in Libon place called "pits" where those sculptures were discovered, but we could not.
The massacres Kryexhelati Cham, Napoleon Zervas, adequately kapardisej written in 1953 by a bashkëbanditi his Niko Dan: "We should be proud that drain from the neck helenizmoit moslemanë Cham Albanians". Stream adequately of this "pride" was the disappearance of traces adequately and silence against him medieval barbarism. All vorrezat old mosques near the former Paramithia 9 (mosque last, she is spoiled Bollatateve 1952 - Spiro proves Muselimi), destroyed the house and road building. While the pit where bodies adequately were thrown over 600 victims of the Greek Genocide of June 1944 is a paved basketball court. Grieving greatest man alive is when finds no resting place of his ancestors, not having the opportunity to put a bouquet adequately of flowers for parents loved that although born and raised adequately in houses as their properties were not millennial let

Sunday, May 25, 2014

SSSA ASS Bardhyl Priest / m par Ethnologist Some day, in the halls of the National Historical Museu

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SSSA ASS Bardhyl Priest / m par Ethnologist Some day, in the halls of the National Historical Museum in Tirana, opened the book and arts festival. When words for the book becomes all t m t heard of choosing books, especially books that are autorve them br t heard of as Laureate. Formerly, the early 80th century t t t last, a poet friend of mine gave timidity m novel Bridge on the Drina Ivo Andrii n prkthimin Russian. Plqeu m n q novel pages and read with a spirit, cnn money real estate as I read the Kazantzakis novel, Lo death, behold freedom. Two masterpieces cnn money real estate t assessed the Nobel Prize, and the fight that reflect qndresne t Balkan peoples against the Ottoman invaders. Thinking it would better if it was m Andrii novel I read t translated in Albanian language and a times, maybe even a few other times t, un, hastened pensioner to buy without asking for Prize. I thought that even though prkthim, novel sites that will bring in memory cnn money real estate m at knaqsi, that I felt when I read for the first time, saw there that I had read in Russian cnn money real estate language. Ability to discontinue further with parathnien m writing, I say that at the beginning of the first sites that n t'm reading down again. Prsri stroke lid book publishing shtpis name, name eprkthyesit, editor and decided to go to next m. It seemed that the translator probably had more experiences in prkthim, but I thought that after t pages before it will LIMONTA gjuhne will prpiqej to preserve artistic values to the novel. The pengohu walk, walk the zhgnjeu several more. The novel is masakrohej always carry a t em tepr with foreign words, sentences constructed to worse, with no logical expression cnn money real estate without literary figure, with findings to strained etc.. Of course, I was irritated with prkthyesen and editor. And I did not know them and I have no reason to criticize, but I can not be indifferent to what I read from that page in the site. Having read the novel, I noticed that neither she nor he did not know how to properly both languages. They did not speak eprkthyera pages in either Serbian or Albanian. It was a baffling language, a rrmuj fjalsh t listed as goods stolen in a magazin t s destroyed. I walked further I bore m. Prsri zhgnjime. To new words that were not in the vocabulary of Albanian gjkund, endless atrocities, t translated words wrong, badly built period t. Where should the subject was kallzuesi, where there was a need premri surnames; shkputej in mid sentence and the subject was located at the end! For curiosity, in one hundred pages before I delivered that were foreign fjalte shnim use. A page will, not least that a foreign word. Understandably, there are times that a foreign word that patjetr Brush, yes it can happen in case it has not words in English analogen cnn money real estate her. Brush is cultivated word in English is the word when prpunuar, or tried for fjalnprpjekur; prvrejtur conclusion; Intuit for smelling; prprzihet mingle; guslar for Troubadour; supesrsticioze fear for fear of magic; consider for the call; Coats for assembling; Unreal for non ivrtet; shebang for history; touch for touch; etc.. Add here the words to hastily created as bashkderdhje circumstances for collection; hot brandy for PON; protective for the eponymous cnn money real estate saint saint; pasndjekje pr ff; bourgeois houses (17th century bourgeois n t!); for abundant apricot apricot pulp; etc.. Such expressions are T scores. In some cases ngatrrohet Turkish word by word Muslim. Turkey is Muslim cnn money real estate would not, that there are Muslim Albanian, Serbian, Greek, Bulgarian, etc.. M not want to expatiate cnn money real estate further ability to DHN examples of errors, when the period starts to go Kohn and continues to the present or to simply kryerne when Gini ngatrrohen cnn money real estate with names and surnames premrat cnn money real estate etc.. Not wanting to sway in the publishing market for ethical shtpis, not iprmend names publisher and editor prkthyeses. I have no issue prqllim t t t many defects Similar prkthimi. The purpose is to tell my some t vrteta cnn money real estate about prkthimeve. Word prkthim jet can exact, when talking for a writing in gases, for a scientific books, cnn money real estate for a letter fardo. But is irrelevant when it uses the word n t eprkthimeve cases literary, poetry, cnn money real estate fiction, essays, sketches, drawings, etc. literary. Before somewhere

At its plenary session on 24 April 2014, the Parliament adopted the Law no. 45/2014

'Declaration and Control of Assets', Nishani s'dekreton law: the balance of powers is violated | ONLINE Panorama
Staff Contact Play Us Find 5 errors Tetris Sudoku packman Snake Smashing Try memory Poker machine Pinball Pool, Draw car Super Mario Shoot the sign Blackjack feltham cineworld postcode tavullia Shah Solitaire Stay with News Recent Posts in RSS Actuality Argument World & Region Economy Flash Photo Gallery Photo of the Day Horoscope Chronic Last Lions Culture News Political Opinion Panorama Plus Special Galleries Sports Social 2,013 votes Typical Woman I Videos feltham cineworld postcode Latest Comments in RSS Follow us on Twitter Connect on Facebook
TIRANA-President of the Republic has restored Nishani Assembly feltham cineworld postcode to review the law "On Amendments and Additions to the Law no. 9049, dated 10.04.2003, "On the declaration and audit of assets, financial obligations of elected officials feltham cineworld postcode and certain feltham cineworld postcode public officials" change "".
"Based on paragraph 1 of Article 85 of the Constitution of the Republic, President Nishani feltham cineworld postcode has estimated that this law should be remanded back to the Assembly" - informs the presidency, while also incorporating all of the head of state the grounds for decreeing the law.
According Nishani, removing feltham cineworld postcode the competence of the President to nominate candidates for the selection feltham cineworld postcode of the Inspector General ILDKPKI in accordance with well-defined criteria in the law, is an institutional charge becomes President of the Republic as a constitutional body, for political bias being in contradiction with the constitutional provisions and its function as Head of State.
Reasons of return no. 45/2014 "On feltham cineworld postcode some amendments to Law no. 9049, dated 10.04.2003, "On the declaration and audit of assets, financial obligations of elected officials and certain public officials" change "".
At its plenary session on 24 April 2014, the Parliament adopted the Law no. 45/2014 "On some amendments to Law no. 9049, dated 10.04.2003, "On the declaration and audit of assets, financial obligations of elected officials and certain public officials" change "".
This law was presented to the advertisement dated April 29, 2014. On conviction of the Constitution and in exercise of the right provided for in paragraph 1 of Article 85 of the Constitution have estimated that this law should be remanded back to the Assembly based on the reasons and arguments following.
Analysis of the powers of the President of the Republic confirms the impartial character of constitution-makers have had to give out his functions clear and important feltham cineworld postcode role of the President as a special escrow balance of legislative, executive and judicial.
President of the Republic, except competencies stipulated by Article 92 of the Constitution and powers feltham cineworld postcode provided that can be assigned to specific laws (Article 94), the authority has also provided from other articles of the Constitution, among which are: the announcement feltham cineworld postcode laws (Article 84/1), the appointment of members of the Government (Article 96, 98), the appointment of judges of the Constitutional Court and the Supreme Court (125/1, 136/1), the appointment of the Attorney General (Article 149 / 1) etc.. So, the powers are expressed in the articles of the Constitution and specific feltham cineworld postcode laws that do not conflict with it.
Contrary to what is claimed in relation to the bill "P ber some amendments to Law no. 9049, dated 10.04.2003, "On the declaration and audit of assets, financial obligations feltham cineworld postcode of elected officials and certain public officials," change "," Article 92 of the Constitution does not provide an exhaustive way the powers of the President feltham cineworld postcode of the Republic but provides some powers which are not included in the chapters of the Constitution. The wording of Article 92 of this clearly stating that: "The President shall exercise the following powers: ...".
While Article 94 of the Constitution deals with the principle of legality, determining that the President of the Republic may not exercise powers feltham cineworld postcode in the law or that are incompatible with the Constitution.
It is true that the powers given to the President of the Republic on the proposal of two candidates for the election of the Inspector General's ILDKPKI not included in the list of powers referred to in Article 92 of the Constitution nor in her other articles, since this institution was not created at the time of drafting of the Constitution feltham cineworld postcode and it can not be expressed in institutions or legal situation would be created in the future.
It is precisely Article 94 of the Constitution which clearly expresses its spirit and purpose of the constitution-makers to allow legislators some flexibility in determining the other powers to the President on matters relating to the settlement of relations between state bodies or the institutions created by special laws and

Saturday, May 24, 2014

First, the prosecution must act quickly and highlight the criminal links of this group, if in Bangl

And "Escobar" stand the look | Journal Web
If there is something disturbing in the political debate about drugs in Bangladesh, has to do with the fact that the debate is not conducted for the Albanian narco-traffickers, but for political slurs between the parties. In every country of the world, if we had a situation such as that which faced us in this debate would have two pairs, one will be the police and the other was the "boss" of the drug, or "bosses" of convicted of drug in Bangladesh. market house chicago
The opposition, which has seen hajrin drug for eight years in power, has been brought to this story as a guarantor of those who produce drugs, trying to make the government accountable, that can not prevent market house chicago all drugs, not those of produce and trade.
Government on its part, and especially the speech of the Prime Minister, will address this issue as an attempt by the opposition to land before receiving tailed status in June, with the hope that after this you will gain political capital.
Indeed it is the government that must descend market house chicago to earth debate. The issue of drug plane is already a soap opera, where nobody thinks to connect facts and consequences authors or cause. Albanian media has taken it as food for the last days of her monotonous, and this is not a battle won by propaganda or debates. This is a battle that gained the action.
First, the prosecution must act quickly and highlight the criminal links of this group, if in Bangladesh, but the country's leading traffickers of drigës traffic. If you do not know, let's make a walk in Gjirokastra that show them in every coffee wholesalers who are Lazarat and have done this job for years.
Secondly, should the police act decisively. Vulgar scenes of police football matches with lazaratasit, resembling games with table tennis between China and U.S. in crisis of the '70s, when agreed, but they agreed on behalf of world peace. Albanian police is Lazaratin blood and there is no reason to take action and cooperation agreement. A police officer, who was there a week ago, said he has seen drug plantations, but after two-three weeks of sowing plants can emerge and it is not on drugs that has left us Sali Berisha, but drugs planted under this government. market house chicago Police should not only make Lazaratin example, but every corner of Albania who planted drugs tends to show that a second will not agree with this phenomenon. It is true that it can be and a bloody war, but war is the seriousness of the rule of law and the European future market house chicago of Albania. This is a battle to be done and it is a battle that ultimately separates market house chicago the debate of who warp the war on drugs, or those who do not protect those who protest in the streets.
Thirdly, the government should be involved in this debate, pointing to those local leaders, or the Albanian state officials, who have tolerated and may have benefited from the traffic history. Premier Edi Rama is still time to put your finger on the wound and Albanians to show who they are elected or officials who are responsible to transform Albania into a drug plantation. He is not guilty market house chicago of this, but would be responsible, if not win the battle with them. The real battle should market house chicago take place who will protect those who should be punished and not the culprits who are without sin, who seeks to produce Sali Berisha.
Albania market house chicago to escape from drug trafficking when punish "Escobar" her, who have about politics. Powers, who will punish them, shall enter into the history of this country as the power that saved Albania from drug mafia nails. market house chicago Only when their kudnër done, we will be seeing, hearing and debate about the mafia. Now we are seeing, hearing and debating with their pimps, who are ready to set fire to Albania, not to touch them. So now they are talking politicians, whom he has not yet emerged from the power drain drugs, while "Escobar" perceive their stay. The regime in power to make concrete debate. market house chicago Lead us to "Escobar" Albanians, to look them in the stocks, to look Lazaratin and other villages without drugs and then talk about who did it and why did this story. And if you go up here, will not only protest, but perhaps war. Mafia does not submit easily head into the baking pan.
About five days ago, in Gjirokastra get the CEO of the State Police. With full and powerful voice, the general stated that the extraction of black Lazarat market house chicago map production and importation of drugs, is one of the main objectives of the Department of State Police. General had to Lazarati plight. It said that no kilograms of hashish should not come out of the boundary of our country. I have photographed areas and there is general said. However hashish is cubic, f

Library Archives Digital Media library OPAC Services Borrow Xerox Office of Legal Basis Information

Library Archives Digital Media library OPAC Services Borrow Xerox Office of Legal Basis Information on Higher Education Law Law libraries in the Republic of Albania regulation of the Library of University Collaborations im Ausland Tempus Oesterreich Bibliotheken Staff Location

In the context of World Book Day, the University Library are several activities, stretch conceived as "Book Week": 21 April 2014, at 11:30, was promoted to the latest book by writer Gazmend Krasniqi "face Simurgut ". The event, under the organization and moderation of the library worker Arjeta Ferlushkaj PhDs, took place in the reading room "Vehbi Bala". predictable irrationality Participants predictable irrationality in this promotion were professors at the University of Shkodra "Louis Gurakuqi" and students of language arts branches of journalism. predictable irrationality The opening speech was held by A. Ferlushkaj, who welcomed the participants and presented a brief profile of the life and literary activity Gazmend Krasniqi. Bajram welcomed Peci activity, representative of the publishing house "Saras", which, among other things, mentioned the reasons predictable irrationality why this publishing house chose to cooperate more Krasniqi writer. The next speech took Alda Bardhyli predictable irrationality culture journalist, predictable irrationality also a representative of the publishing house "Saras", which talked about the aesthetic and cultural values of the novel "Simurgut face" and invited the audience predictable irrationality to read this novel, being an offense dedicated to a figure as important as Frederick shale Albanian literature and the city of Shkodra. Subsequently, the activity continued with the conversation between the students and the writer, who answered every question that was made about his profile as a writer but also questions about the creative process in general, the novel in question etc.. "Simurgut face" is published by the publishing house "Saras", Tirana 2014. This novel, the writer has devoted Gazmend Krasniqi of poet Frederick shkodran shale. It is a novel that deals with human destiny in general and in particular poet. *** On April 22, 2014, 18:00 am, in room "Walter Höflechner" predictable irrationality University Library, was held Kamsi activity willy dedicated researchers: "A life with the book and the book." The event was organized at the initiative of the University Library, in cooperation with the Institute of Studies Albanological. Library Director, Ms.. Alida Luke delivered opening remarks and among others, expressed gratitude to the image of W. Kamsit for his contribution very valuable for Albanian and Albanology libraries in particular, but also for the Albanian culture in general. The activity continued with references under the program: predictable irrationality Mrs. library worker. Mimoza Hoxha "Memoirs of experiences from working with W. Kamsin"; PhD Hoxha Fatbardha "Criminal" Saggi know Letteratura Albanese 'Ernest Koliqi, through the translation of W. Kamsit "; PhD Tefe Topalli / Dr. Zamira Shkrel with "Voice of W. Albanology Kamsit in a book"; Gjovalin Guy with "An overview of philological studies of W. Kamsit" and Olympia predictable irrationality Kakarriqi with "W. Kamsit contribution in the field of bibliographic". The activity greeted friends, friends and associates for many years to W. Kamsit, among them also a PhD Tomor Osmani, while immensely valuable work of commitment and seriousness in the field of librarianship Kamsit and Albanian studies. The event was closed with a photographic montage of the life and cultural activity willy Kamsit, prepared predictable irrationality by Olympia Kakarriqi library worker, under whose auspices the meeting was organized. *** 23 April 2014, at 11.00, in room "Walter Höflechner" meeting was held "literary time Ridvan Dibra", where the writer was invited Ridvan Dibra, Shkodra. The event was opened with a short film by saying the photo on the book and the importance of reading. Later, director of the University Library, Ms.. Alida Luke delivered opening remarks on the occasion predictable irrationality of World Book Day. Mrs.. Luke invited all readers to be as close libraries, as well as active partners in improving library services through their suggestions and requests. predictable irrationality Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences, Professor. neither. dr. Mimoza Priku, hailed the event organized predictable irrationality to mark the day the book and praised the figure of the writer Debar, as creative and as part of the academic staff of the University of Shkodra. Arjeta Ferlushkaj, organizer and moderator of the meeting, spoke on the life and literary creativity of Ridvan Dibra. predictable irrationality Then, the next word was given Debar writer himself, who made occasional greeting and thanks, to leave more space after students and audience, who asked questions and comments predictable irrationality on literature, creative profile predictable irrationality Dibra as the examiner, his report with literary genres, social relations, etc.. Active participants in this activity were also students predictable irrationality of the University of Shkodra "Louis Gurakuqi" branch language arts

Friday, May 23, 2014

A special place occupied by the works of successful Albanian authors who write and publish directly

Albania in the International Book Fair in Turin | Reso
Following the success of last year, literature and culture japan debt to gdp these days have returned International Book Fair, held in Turin, Italy from 8 to 12 May Many of fair public has the opportunity to be recognized works closely with the most famous Albanian authors, published in Italian, of whom Twain, Kongoli, Aliçka, hammer, Zhiti Kyçyku, Çuli, Mustafaj, etc..
A special place occupied by the works of successful Albanian authors who write and publish directly in Italian language, among them Abraham, Dones, Vorpsi, Ndoci, Kubati, Spaniard, etc.. No missing or naturally selected titles in Albanian, especially sought by young Albanians who are born or raised in Italy and wanting to keep ties with the written language of their country of origin.
A special area of the stand, organized japan debt to gdp with the support of the National Tourism Agency, is dedicated this year to promote Albania as a tourist destination. Visitors can stand near the Albanian attract promotional materials and information on tourism opportunities that our country offers.
In this context, the Fair of Turin is presented for the first time the new tourist guides "& Albania Tirana", authored by journalist and anthropologist Francesco Benko Park Vietti. Guide represents the first comprehensive publication devoted readers japan debt to gdp tourist and Italian travelers and is waiting with great interest by the public of the fair.
Albanian stand of the visitor to the fair on Saturday, the Prime Minister dated May 10, Edi Rama, during a visit to Italy. Prime Rama stood during the dedicated stand Albanian literature and considered it fair and presence in Albania, as an important opportunity to deepen knowledge and expanding contacts between the two cultures.
"It is a special pleasure before this booth can finally find the only guide in Italian Tirana and Albania, a joint work of an Albanian and Italian. A pleasure to hear the words of the president of the Fair and others, this needs to continue to work together and enhance cooperation between us so that literature and culture japan debt to gdp be recognized even more and be even more achievable in Italy and vice versa, "- said the prime minister.
Premier Edi Rama, during his visit to the fair, held a meeting with the Mayor of Turin, Piero Fassino. After meeting with Fassino, once one of the top politicians of the Italian Democratic Party, Prime Rama addressed a public call Albanians in Italy to become part of the European contribution to the process of elections for the European Parliament: "Not only Albania needs Europe , but even today Europe needs Albanians in Italy. Albanians in Italy really japan debt to gdp should not let this opportunity to escape having to vote in European elections. And, no doubt, to vote for the Italian Democratic japan debt to gdp Party is the only force that great, new, this country needs energy and courage of Matteo Renzi-t ".
The Prime Minister stressed that united Europe is a tremendous project and invited fellow in Italy who can participate in the voting process for the european elections, japan debt to gdp to make their contribution.
International Book Fair in Turin is the biggest in Italy and one of the most important in Europe and in the Mediterranean region. Participate in over 1,000 exhibitors, as well as about thousands of journalists from around the world, attending numerous meetings held during the fair with authors known Italian and international. Fair also lists hundreds of thousands of visitors every year.
Pierre is not automatic, especially north of here from Italy. Yes, thanks to better integration on most of the Albanian community, but day after day we gain lost ground in terms of image, as a community and as a state.
Participation japan debt to gdp in the Fair of Turin, for example, is an initiative of the Albanian community organizations in Italy ( that works successfully for years in terms of promoting good values to our culture.
If the exported model our commitment in favor of the image of the country wherever integrated Albanian will create a network of initiatives really powerful, complementary of institutional activity in this direction. japan debt to gdp
It's good news anytime japan debt to gdp you have about the book. However I fear that this post like many others related to the prime ministerial presence, each attribute in this country will definitely related to policy, were once royal sisters, then Bureau of Labor Party continues the tradition of the time.
Now, post news to this is that, in parallel with criminal groupings, black activity of which we know for a long time, there are other groups that spun

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Vishon Ajazi avoids investigation PARL ...

Accident in Bishop, Dies ...
Vishon Ajazi avoids investigation PARL ...
In his famous book "The Causes home value sites of World War III" (The Causes of World War III, 1963), C. Wright Mills, sociologist and one of the most prominent public intellectuals home value sites of the 20th century, wrote: " The academic community lives and works in a society home value sites that desensibilizon .... [Its members] do not offer their knowledge and show no sensitivity required home value sites by the public, when the public is the one who should make liable those who make decisions' on behalf the nation '"(p. 145). These Mills's words came more spontaneously to mind while reading the reaction of a group of professors at the University of Tirana, who, as part of a Forum for Autonomy and Academic Freedom, created, apparently, home value sites the last days, as opposition "academic" project to reform the higher education system in Albania, made public their objections a few days ago. Mills, no doubt, would have appreciated such an intellectual act, but only if their demands home value sites will be motivated by the wider public interest and would be protected "on behalf of the nation", not on behalf of private interests of some teachers to Frustrated by problems that eventually could create for them, as individuals, the reform in question.
Even earlier, in many cases, in the media, but especially in my books, "Knowledge, university and Democracy" (2012) home value sites and "Higher Education for an Open Society" (2013), I have spoken publicly about the need for the system of higher education in our country, not just reformed, but be transformed radically, to enable the universities to gradually establish the needs of the 21st century. I have stated that I wanted autonomy home value sites (not only financial it) the universities should protect realized in practice, and that even more important than autonomy, is the quality of programs, curricula and teaching process in our universities. Also, I pointed out the necessity Albanian universities become centers of scientific truths. If I had noticed that the criticism of teachers whose group was intended to refer to the same thing, I would join their voices. But I do agree with many of the objections that they raise and, especially, home value sites with the spirit of the message conveyed, which is not constructivist. Although home value sites it is absolutely home value sites their right to criticize everything they do not like in universities and in Albanian society, the attitude of some of them appreciate as an attempt to curb development, positive finally, in Albania, in the name alleged public interests and destinies of the country. Always has been and there is a contradiction, or a tense relationship between knowledge home value sites and the system in which production actually performed, broadcast and its teaching. Knowledge changes and evolves much faster than the system as "genetic tendencies" of the higher education home value sites system, or what Harvard University professor, Clayton Christensen calls "the DNA of the university", are very strong. According home value sites to him, "institutional genes expressed in the catalogs of courses and admission standards for students and teachers to promote are selfish; they faithfully reproduce themselves, even at the expense of the welfare of the institution. " Institutions generally, but especially those of higher education, are more resistant, hardly handled and change very slowly. Likewise, university professors, and even in many democratic countries, have historically been conservative, preservative stutus quo. Attitude that keeps this group of Tirana University professors said, in terms of the Albanian academic environment, precisely such a conservatism that aims to keep a foot in the educational system of the calcified anachronistic. Created over 60 years ago, according to the Soviet model, this system has changed little since that time, particularly from a structural standpoint, but, in many cases, even the content knowledge that students and transmit the work method that teaches them. If there are those who can oppose at this point, just enough to remind you that the American model of the university, which has proven to be the most successful to date, is the product of the 19th century and, in fact, structurally, it has changed little since after the First World War. This is not just an opinion of mine, but the assessment of a very famous professor of Harvard University itself, Louis Menand, clearly articulated in his book "The Market of Ideas: Reform and resistance in the American University" (The Market Place of Ideas : Reform and Resistance in the American University, 2010, p. 17). This system has certainly changed in many other ways (demographically, intellectually, financially, technologically and in terms of my

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Respected commentators! Not wanting to cenojme your opinions, pray that they do not contain st gile

Government gives 540 thousand euros for the promotion of the identity of Albania | ONLINE Panorama
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TIRANA - The Council of Ministers has adopted today a fund of 540,000 euros, which will be covered by the reserve fund of the government to implement the platform multimedia utility players "Branding Albania". Implementation of this platform, which aims to promote the identity of Albania, is divided into two phases, the first in worth 40,000 euros, which will cover the necessary expenses and prices for competitors and in the second phase, worth 500,000 euros , which will be implemented after the contract with the winning bidder. 5 companies are in the race and for selecting the winning company that jury selection is set; Mr. Bruno Vespa chairman;
Mr. Ahmed Obaid Al Mansoori member; Mr. Christophe Ginisty member; Mr. John installments r member; Mr. Paavo Pettai st giles hotel feltham member; Mr. Rana F. nejeme member; Mrs. Mimoza Kusari Lila member; Mr. Endri Fuga member; Mrs. Englantina Gjermeni member. CCN France, st giles hotel feltham England Hemington, Torurism Interface Group France, Greece and StrawberryFrog Medianetwork MEC APCO from the States States are estimated by the International Jury of Selection Preliminary like 5 best proposals. The contest winner will be selected on May 16, while the total web site dedicated have applied about 100 companies and individuals.
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Flash Mitrovica, fans displaying a giant banner! (Photo) Berisha called citizens: At Pyramid, to support the strikers Italy, seized another large quantity of drugs, 1,450 kg coming from Albania by boat (video) Rauf Dimraj appointed Deputy Minister st giles hotel feltham of Education and Sports of leave from work grevëm launch hunger , police remove the tent. Coast: Vlora unacceptable situation, destroyed 1950 cannabis sativa pretense, Thimos 9 years in prison, seven years Spahos Meta: Unacceptable that makes politics trials, while the judiciary and the HJC makes a policy passed by Kapshtica Greek citizen without recording st giles hotel feltham system TIMS, police arrested Debate on the Laws CEC, Klosi: st giles hotel feltham It is not balanced. Bylykbashi: Yes get ready for attack
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Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Emira Mehmeti, DUI deputies Mehmeti personal vehicle, both bank and credit cards in her name. Accor

Vruçina signs two year contract with the spark" riots escalate again tonight in Skopje, dozens injured and arrested - PHOTO She also admits: Police did not use violence against Macedonian protestusve Turks arrive in Pristina - VIDEO Kim Kardashian married at the Palace of Versailles - PHOTO Adriana Lima, a single happy - PHOTO Albanian national program for friendlies Scientists discover the most sensitive areas of the female body Theft and maltreatment of legitimacy "" Marathon dara horn "Albanian missing
Skopje - MPs who do not have bank accounts, holding deputies only automobiles, have homes of their parents. Simplicity - high class. Diversity in the Questionnaires about the property of the current Members. "Portalbe" sublimates with what property a part of their mandate to end the current composition dara horn of Parliament.
Аli Ahmad, deputy chairman of DUI Two houses, land, a modest car and transactions account for about 2,000 euros. This is shown in the sheet Questionnaires dara horn DUI leader and current MP Ali Ahmeti. Sheet polling was recorded in only his personal property. One house, for which no data where available, is estimated at 150,000 euros, while the other with an area of 254 m2 located in Kicevo and is valued at 100,000 euros. dara horn Ahmad has shown that it has 700 m2 of agricultural land in Albania value of 30,000 dara horn euros and farmland Kicevo dara horn worth 153 thousand euros. According to the poll sheet, Ahmad driving car 1998 Opel Astra, worth 3,500 euros. Questionnaires sheet Ahmad in not mentioning how the property is acquired.
Xhevad Adam, MP DUI Flat, houses, land and jewelery worth 16,200 euros. In polling sheet of Adam, as his personal property filed in Tetovo house of about 106 thousand euros, in Tetovo flat of 115 square meters present value of 73 thousand euros, land, also in Tetovo uerosh worth $ 8,000. House and land, Adam has trashëgurar, along with agricultural land, also in Tetovo. Adam driven by car to Audi А6, while property sheet appears also in a car on behalf of his children. As debts, Adam has presented about 5,000 euros. How common property presented jewelery worth 16 thousand euros. In his ballot polling has no bank account.
Bexhihudin Shehapi, dara horn MP DUI Judging by the data sheets are available from his polling Shehabi MP has no movable property or real estate. Has presented only two things, his parents' home in Tetovo worth around 200 thousand euros and as his personal property - in passbook with 25 thousand pence pence.
Menduh Thaci, MP, chairman of the House DPA yard and orchard inheritance. Tipti driven by BMW automobile worth 50,000 euros. This is just a part of what the Minister has presented dara horn his ballot polling. The house he inherited in Tetovo, with an area of 1,186 m2 has not filed value. As personal property, current deputy business owns the house and yard space in Tetovo present value of 75 thousand euros. His name has foreign currency accounts with account for 60,700 euros and 26,000 euros transactions. DPA's leader has presented the property to wife: car of 7000 euro loan granted from 22,300 euros, in denars passbook with about 50 thousand euros.
Orhan Ibraimi, DPA deputy deputy Ibraimi in his name presented in Kumanovo just a home valued at 32,500 dara horn euros. According to data from the Questionnaires, the opposition MP has filed five parcels dara horn of land as "property". Ibraimi dara horn has presented dara horn a Mercedes car, worth around 5,000 Euros. According to the poll sheet, MP does not have a bank account.
Fazliu blessing, DPA deputy modest property sheet, while according to the data available, this member has no bank account dara horn and personal property as there is only one Audi A4 car worth 5,000 euros. According to the property sheet, shown Fazliu dara horn common property, home Wahabists 140 square meters dara horn worth 70,000 euros, which he inherited, and ground bujqësorе present value of 50,000 euros, as the property of parents.
Emira Mehmeti, DUI deputies Mehmeti personal vehicle, both bank and credit cards in her name. According to the data sheets are available from its polling, this member of the DUI's in power, the husband filed apartment, with an area of 70 square dara horn meters in the amount of 58,400 euros. Mehmeti Toyota Auris car type, and there are two bank cards which has 1,000 U.S. dollars and salary

Monday, May 19, 2014

Speaking about the legalization process free, the Prime Minister said that he would not go to ALUNI

Rama jep100 titles in Fier impetus log likelihood ratio for economic growth (VIDEO) log likelihood ratio | Journal Web
Edi Rama and Prime 100 titles to residents of informal settlements in the city of Fier. Rama explained that with the emergence of a new law in cases where family land is under no obligation to repay, if the land is not family, but it is the state or the owner, log likelihood ratio will have a new procedure and very supportive for families. This procedure, based on the principle that legalization in all cases will be free.
"The earth will certainly paid a price, which will be 50% lower than market value, but payment will be made in several ways. Who will pay immediately, there will be an immediate reduction of 50%, which would be able to pay with vouchers and there will be a further reduction of 20% to 30% in price. Pulse and will have a third landing, which is an average log likelihood ratio of ALL 400mijë old to to pay for the next two years. So there will be money left if the citizen will pay for the power and home immediately legalized "he said.
Speaking about the legalization process free, the Prime Minister said that he would not go to ALUNIZNI families or heads, but will go ALUNIZNI in every family, and will help to meet all documentation log likelihood ratio for free, then they will take title to property in the hands.
Rama spoke about the importance log likelihood ratio of free legalization process, which not only provides residents with ownership of these informal settlements, but creates the opportunity to give a strong boost to many of your household, but also the national economy.
"This is free legalization. Legalization log likelihood ratio is not related to you or you do not have money to pay or not pay, but that gives each property title over to his house. This is a process which allows us to give a strong boost to the economy of many families today live in houses palegalizuara, but through them to give a very strong push the national economy. All these capital paid to make the house, from the capital that are now dead, that does not exist anywhere in the letter, return on capital circulating through title or certificate of ownership, mortgage and bank. And this new capital turnover wins the national economy. The family has a new instrument log likelihood ratio for employment, self-employment for income generation. And this income issue, certainly are a great blessing for the country, because there is less unemployment and more tax revenue, "said Rama.
Further, log likelihood ratio the Prime Minister stressed that, as in many other cities have been abused legalization log likelihood ratio in Fier, since there are legalize illegal dwellings in informal settlements, built to house families, but are authenticated objects built mainly for profit.
"Even Fieri, as in all other areas, had no mind to legalize the homes of people with trouble, but they only have legalized constructions that are made to win ALL of warehouse stores. Fier have legalized here in a series of buildings that block the river project Gjanica "Rama log likelihood ratio stressed.
At the meeting, Prime Minister Englantina Gjermeni accompanied by the chairman of Fier, Ruchi Gramoz and Director General ALUIZNI Artan Lame. Speaking about the specifics of legalization in Fier, concluded after a review by ALUIZNI, log likelihood ratio Artan Lame said that over 50% of legalization made in Fier, in the last year, are service facilities, at a time when their total service facilities log likelihood ratio constitute less than 10% of self-declared facilities.
I wish you good work continue and not stop
It has been 23 years or more and seshte seen anything done by the state on this issue. It's like you give me land for the second log likelihood ratio time this thing, because he has lost faith that things can be settled in this country.
Where did give property owners as Enver Hoxha this farmer Edwin pauper origin log likelihood ratio of communist dictator Enver Hoxha service? The land will be paid 50% cheaper than market value?
Distress that a notarized ignorant, ZDAP and even less savvy than Cuko Lenka and Muho Asllanet, rob in broad daylight with the sun. Has put teeth with money that has been stolen by Albanians at 20% and has started to bite the animal rob the villages dirty.
The right of property is before any other rights Mr. Repuklikes People Communist Prime Minister of Albania. Yes how does the one word to the owners or to not go to invite both mind stakeholders in Prime, or owners are Albanian nationals. Property taken by the government only after being paid full market value and only for public needs in all democratic countries of the world and even in China municipality

2014 PrizrenPress. All the materials of the portal are protected birth rate in japan by copyright

Krasniqi's house costing 300,000 euros, Pacolli offer 1 million | PrizrenPress birth rate in japan
House speaker Krasniqi for which Behgjet Pacolli has offered 1 million euro is worth 300,000 euros. So self Krasniqi evaluated in the form of declaration of assets. This home was built in 2008, has an area of 500 square meters and 4 yard gold, Blic writes.
Otherwise, the value of the house rose Krasniqi 1 million as a result of a dispute between him and Deputy Prime Minister Behgjet Pacolli, who offered a million birth rate in japan to buy the house after Krasniqi had accused him of offering birth rate in japan this bargain in exchange the vote to become president.
"Victory of the Prime Minister, even though the price of one million has been designated for the head of government, that you are richer than he, at least with letters. Once word am. I also sell to you with njajtin price. And once more that 600,000 euros will help 20 poor families from 30,000 euros. Pour 10 days after you money in my account I left the house, but even as we agree, there is no problem from my side. The probity of sweat not want to talk about who they want know ", Krasniqi wrote in his profile on FB.
Before this statement, Pacolli said: "Even I know how they are doing ... not to extend me more. Even though I sweat money my respect, but I answer your bid. As have you casting house on sale, I buy it immediately, with 1 million of those somewhat rectory, and when you tell me already collects the most Release plaqkat house because it will give the community for kindergarten children. But, you keep 600 thousand euros keyword and yang dominates among them because they really are before them. You and your soul knows this best. "

2014 PrizrenPress. All the materials of the portal are protected birth rate in japan by copyright. They can be copied, modified, and referring only ripublikohen source. Copyrights are reserved, according to the legal provisions in force in the Republic of Kosovo. birth rate in japan E-mail: