Thursday, February 12, 2015

Previous Post: Subscription Preview: European economy: No end to the recession, not the end of the

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Thank you for your contribution to the economic situation in Japan. How do you prove us readers now once again more than clear: You do not understand anything. Or you want to deliberately misrepresent terms, reverse cause and effect, in short: The real story you conceal. Why not write anything to the Japanese price development? Why do you mention in any row, the demand situation? Why no mention of the development of Japanese wages? Have you ever actually literate ben price real estate to the Japanese situation? Why is the term "balance sheet recession" no mention? Why do not you realize ben price real estate that the debt of the Japanese state is just the opposite position for private capital formation? Why not tell the whole story?
If you do write only a small circle of interest, then switch but the employer. It's ben price real estate getting unbearable as your hand, day in, day out lobbying for big industry and the German export industry. Now even to cite the example of Japan suggests that public debt is the devil, is probably where you try out the argumentative valley floor to free her last straw is pathetic.
Krugman had given Germany because of his wage dumping chiefly to blame for the euro crisis. For this purpose, the editor of the Frankfurter ben price real estate Allgemeine Zeitung ben price real estate writes: "Among Krugman suggests that German exports shrink sharply in the euro countries since the crisis and now go almost two thirds of exports to countries outside the euro zone."
How nice! Since the crisis (he probably thinks since 2008/2009/2010) is correct. Only, what does that say? That is no argument against Krugman's assertion that Germany was responsible for creating the crisis with its wage dumping and its export surpluses since the beginning of monetary union. That thereafter the export surpluses with the euro-area countries have fallen, is the result of the crisis. Because these countries are depression in a severe recession or even import less. This does not mean that they do not continue to suffer from the German competitiveness. In addition, Germany displaced because of his wage dumping the other EMU countries since the crisis (as well as previously) and the rest of the world by the markets. That's why it means nothing if now go more exports to countries outside the euro zone. Even going to a large extent at the expense of the partners in the euro zone. When someone sees in the FAZ that can be achieved only apparent success ben price real estate with specious arguments?
Previous Post: Subscription Preview: European economy: No end to the recession, not the end of the wrong economic policy ben price real estate Next Post: Russia and Ukraine - the west opens the door to nationalism

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