Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Charts Economic Data Overview Property Labour Market Japan Flow of Funds Accounts shares - Interest

Charts Economic Data Overview Property Labour Market Japan Flow of Funds Accounts shares - Interest Rates Economic & Markets Inflation-adjusted charts Long-term Ratio
On March 11, 2011, a magnitude 9.0 earthquake shook the eastern Japan; in consequence of two other disasters were observed, a 10-meter high tsunami washed over stretches of coastline in several nuclear power plants, there was an accident, the reactor core melted, radioactivity came from.
The article "Japan in recession" from the December 2008 continue online. house value estimator The Economic and Social Research Institute (ESRI) has since the last recession dated October 2007 to March 2009.
Taking the definition of reason that an economy is in a recession, if their gross domestic product for two quarters house value estimator due shrinks, Japan is once again in a recession. The fourth quarter of 2010 or the first quarter of 2011 generated house value estimator a negative growth; -0.7% -0.9% Respectively for the previous quarter (real, seasonally adjusted). Annualized then arise -2.9% (Q4 2010) respectively -3.5% (Q1 2011).

Top Tankan - report, economic assessment for large companies; compared with the quarterly index the Bank of Japan and the monthly 'Japan Tankan Reuters':
up 'Machinery Orders' in billions of yen, the longer-term, inflation-adjusted time series shows only a low-grade drop caused by the earthquake; the nominal house value estimator setback in April was -3.3% the previous month:
The tendency house value estimator corporate insolvencies house value estimator fall since mid-2009:
A mirror image of the Japanese economy, exports; in comparison, these fell in the months of March to May at -2.3%, -12.4% house value estimator and -10.3%; presented below is the volume of exports in yen in three-month average:
The Japanese government budget recorded many years a growing funding gap; at the same time increasing expenditures decreases tax revenues. house value estimator The following house value estimator chart illustrates the situation:
up to fill the funding gap, the debt is running in an international comparison in full swing; presented the new debt is a function of the gross domestic product compared to Germany and the United States:
Top New debt in terms of gross domestic product in Japan compared to other OECD countries in the front panel. The following chart represents the debt of the year 2000 (light blue) of 2010 (dark blue) towards; consistently is to observe an expansion.
Top In an extended borrowing the increasing national debt can not wait. This is shown in relation to GDP for Japan, Germany and the United States in the longer course:
Top The Nikkei 225 index over the long-term course with the Japanese recessions; displayed is always the end of the month; the incision on the daily chart has already been compensated for the end of the month significantly so that the decline is hardly noticeable:

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