Thursday, February 12, 2015

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5 2 Wien Sankt Pölten Eisenstadt 4 1 -1 Linz Salzburg Graz 2 2 -2 Innsbruck Klagenfurt -1 Bregenz Overview Company Business tech bubble Exchange Teaching We build Austria So in 2015
The global economy next to the limp euro zone and the sagging emerging another construction site: Japan slipped tech bubble in the third quarter as a complete surprise in a recession. Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is now considering early elections, tech bubble the renunciation of a further increase in VAT and new economic aid. Decreased GDP Gross domestic product (GDP) is the third largest tech bubble after the US and China economy in the world fell from July to September by 0.4 percent the previous quarter, the government in Tokyo said on Monday. "These are not encouraging numbers," Abe said. This is due to weakening tech bubble exports and a slowly growing consumption. Economists had predicted a 0.5 percent growth. Back in the spring, the economy shrank by 1.9 percent, as consumers held back after the first VAT increase with purchases. For two consecutive quarters of negative tech bubble is spoken of recession. Elections? Prime Minister Abe should now call for new elections to get more support for his policies. A decision is expected tech bubble later this week. Faced with a divided and weak opposition, the majority for the ruling party LDP is considered safe. Economy Minister Akira Amari announced its intention to support the economy with new measures. The probability is "very high". One possibility to help low-income. A huge package but the government will not tie up because she wanted to exercise fiscal discipline. Yen in descent The Japanese yen fell because of disappointing data on a seven-year low against the dollar. tech bubble The bad news also expressed the Asian stock markets into negative territory, especially as the euro zone, as expected, is out of the swing and large emerging economies such as Brazil and Russia have completed their boom time being. Above all investors in Tokyo reacted disappointed: The Nikkei Index posted the biggest decline on a trading since August. The German equity investors reacted confused: The DAX lost opening a percent to 9,170 points. Tax increase on ice Given the economic tech bubble slowdown is likely to abandon the proposed tax increase, tech bubble the government. Abe announced to analyze the situation alone. "This is absolutely not the situation in which we should discuss a VAT increase," said Honda Etsuro expert from the University of Shizuoka. In Abe's LDP is thinking out loud about a shift. tech bubble "I think the Prime Minister will call off planned for next October increase," said an LDP MPs. The tax rate should then increase to ten percent after the government put him up in April from five to eight percent. Abe had taken over the government in December 2012 with the promise to bring the policy named after him (Abenomics) the economy back on track - with a mix of ultra-loose monetary policy, reforms and overspending. This should be the several years of sustained deflation - a damaging to the economy decline in prices across the board - to be completed. Consumer spending - which accounts for some 60 percent of the economy - placed in the third quarter with 0.4 percent, only half as strongly as expected. One reason for this is that prices are rising faster than wages and thus the purchasing power of the Japanese is reduced. However, some experts predict an improvement in the current fourth quarter.
Exchanges at a glance
Name News Diff Diff% ATX 2368.82 47.58 2:05 ATX Prime 1193.15 10882.71 130.60 21.01 21.61 1.84 DAX MDAX 19115.72 248.96 1:32 TECDAX 1516.23 4.12 0.80 -6.62 -0.04 Nasdaq Dow Jones 17862.14 100 4297.282 12:38 16,127 Nikkei 225 17979.72 327.04 1.85
Dijsselbloem: "We need more time" - Varoufakis: Agreement was not the goal.
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