Sunday, February 8, 2015

In addition, it should be noted that the 1.6 percent growth in

The plan, Japan's economy with a combination of ultra-loose monetary policy, massive fiscal stimulus and structural reforms finally back on growth english house prices track to run out of deflation and - referred to as "Abenomics" after its inventor - had Shinzo Abe and his Conservative, Liberal english house prices Democratic english house prices Party (LDP ) the end of 2012 a clear victory incorporated in the general election. The hitherto ruling, but fighting the economic downturn hapless Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ), english house prices however, experienced a real crash.
Obviously, english house prices the patience of the voters after the chaos of the Fukushima english house prices disaster at the end and the desire for a determined government acting with a clear business concept in the population was very marked.
But after now, almost two years later, Japan's economy has slipped back into recession, are the "Abenomics" in the emergency room. Shinzo Abe is now trying his project and to save itself by early elections.
Early 2013 the Japanese had at the announcement of a 108 billion-euro wax tumspaketes promised a "rocket launch" of the economy Shinzo Abe. (1) Then a few months later he won the Upper House elections clearly and was able to realize his plans until now without restrictions. Fostering economic english house prices growth, the calculus of Abenomics mentioned policy would provide english house prices the basis for the solution of the escalating sovereign debt.
But all measures spite and despite the yen had depreciated sharply due to the loosening monetary policy, economic growth remained english house prices weak. In the first quarter of 2013, the GDP growth very respectable 1.4 percent had indeed already be for today's standards. In the second quarter, however, english house prices it was already only 0.8 percent in the third quarter of 2013, growth was even only 0.6 percent english house prices in the final three months of the year there was a decrease of 0.4 percent. (2) The Abenomics had started strongly, but then them the air had gone - at least in terms of growth, english house prices but growth is Abes' important goal. Because it must be measured and its Abenomics.
On the increase in excise tax of 5 percent to 8 percent from April 1, 2014, and from 8 to 10 percent in October 2015, which was passed by Parliament before english house prices Abe took office, english house prices he had wanted to hold on to. It should be an important step towards the consolidation of government finances and was intended english house prices as a signal to the markets that Japan's government tackles its debt problem consistently.
However, after the entry into force of the first stage of the tax increase economic growth in the second quarter annualized slumped 7.3 percent english house prices after the now revised data. Many economists english house prices and, above all, the Japanese government had been until recently optimistic that the "Abenomics" work and the economy would recover quite strongly in the third quarter. With growth of the gross domestic product of more than 2 percent last after all, most economists had expected, optimists even with much more.
According to the recently published first estimate Japan's economy english house prices shrank in the third quarter, however annualized 1.6 percent from the previous quarter and by 0.4 percent. (3) The private consumption, which represents about 60 percent of gross domestic product increased by the decrease of 5 percent in the spring english house prices (4) only by a meager 0.4 percent compared to the second quarter (5).
For several days it was clear that Shinzo Abe on the basis of economic data for the third quarter over the second stage of the excise tax increase displacement, new Konjunkturmaßnamen (6) and early elections wanted to decide this year. He wants to justify the fact that his Abenomics to revive the economy works, but still need more time (7) The election. english house prices In other words, the early elections will be a vote on his Abenomics.
In comparison to the development of economic growth in Japan under the previous government the overall result is considered for Shinzo Abe, despite the enormous efforts both from the Bank of Japan and in the context of Abenomics not much better picture and, more importantly, no positive trend. On the contrary, the trend is directed downward.
The previous government had to deal with the aftermath of the earthquake, the tsunami and thus triggered the nuclear disaster at Fukushima. Interestingly, the self-induced by Abe by the tax-increase slump in growth has been even greater than that of the triple disaster english house prices of March 2011. For a clever policy does not speak it.
In addition, it should be noted that the 1.6 percent growth in

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