Thursday, January 23, 2014

Russian law

Becoming a modern legal systems are usually referred to the New Era (XVII - XVIII centuries.). Each state has its own national system, but, despite the diversity of these systems, they can be reduced to two main groups: 1) the Anglo-Saxon legal system, and 2) the continental legal system. true home value Anglo-Saxon legal system is based on the common law of England that emerged at the turn of XI-XII centuries. This legal system true home value does not know the division of the right to private and public. true home value It lacks a strict separation of substantive and procedural law. In the Anglo-Saxon system structurally marked branch of the law, known in continental Europe. She does not know and codification (activities on deep processing of external and internal legislation. As a result of this process there is a new normative act - Code - a complex regulatory document true home value governing social relations within the legal industry). Main source of law in these countries is a legal precedent, which is considered mandatory for all vessels in the consideration of similar cases. Court creates the right, but he did not create general and anecdotal norm, ie rules for solving a particular case. In Anglo-Saxon countries, the concept of "right" and "law" are not the same. Act of Parliament becomes law of the country only if he interpreted the court. Significant role as a source of law in these countries play customs and constitutional arrangements. Last quite widely used in the implementation of the government. true home value Finally, the Anglo-Saxon law peculiar to the special terminology, the presence of a number of institutions that are not found in other countries. Anglo-Saxon true home value legal system characterized by the UK, USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and other Continental legal system (Romano-Germanic legal family) arises from Roman law. In the thirteenth-century HVI. there was a revival of Roman law, it spread to Europe and its adaptation to the new conditions. Continental legal system originated in Europe and was then accepted by other states. This legal system developed in the XIX century. true home value influenced by French law, in the XX century. on its development impact German law. This system is characterized by the division of the right to private and public. According to the prevailing ideas in these countries private law protects the interests of individuals from criminal encroachments on the part of individual citizens and the state. The private law include civil, family, commercial law and. Unlike other private, public law determines true home value the organization and activities of governing bodies and protects the interests of society and the state from any encroachments. The notion of public rights include the right to constitutional, administrative, criminal true home value and other Continental legal system clearly delineates the right to substantive and procedural. Main source of law is the law that establishes the general rules of conduct and legal principles. In these countries, the court does not deal with the establishment of standards, but only applies the rule of law to specific cases. Another feature of the continental legal system is widespread codification of both substantive and procedural law. Continental legal system prevalent in Europe, South America, Japan, etc. Some scientists are also distinguished Muslim legal system and the traditional family (customary) law. The basis of allocation of the first group on the principle of providing the right in the sacred books (for example, the Koran), the second group - the unwritten (uncodified) true home value the nature of law.
Russian law

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