Saturday, January 25, 2014

Questions for self-control: Features of the historical development of Latin America. Main provision

The historical development of Latin America why does chrome keep crashing - Central Pedagogical Sciences
Questions for self-control: Features of the historical development of Latin America. Main provisions of the Political Constitution why does chrome keep crashing of the United Mexican States in 1917 Formation of democratic regimes in Latin America during the second half of the twentieth century.
Socio-political development of Japan until the mid XIX century. Feudal social hierarchy: samurai, farmers, artisans, traders. The policy of "isolation" of the country. why does chrome keep crashing Military-oligarchic regime shogunate. why does chrome keep crashing Western "gunboat policy". The overthrow of the shogunate and the restoration of absolute imperial power - the "Meiji Restoration." Western "discovery" of Japan. Character of the revolution. Bourgeois reforms of 70-80 years. XIX century.: Agrarian reform, administrative reform, military reform, and the reform of the Japanese school. State support for industry. Liberalization of political life. State structure of the Constitution of Japan in 1889 the Emperor. Government. The Council of State. Parliament. Rights and obligations of citizens. Electoral system. Local control. The judicial system. Creating Bar. Japanese militarism.
Changes in the economy. Increase in social and class conflicts and political struggles. Political parties. Electoral reforms in 1919, 1925. Turn to the monarchist-fascist dictatorship. The global economic crisis of 1929-33. and its policy implications for Japan. Laws of 1925 and 1928. "On the protection of public safety." Growth of fascist organizations. Establishment of state control over the economy and culture. Militarization of society why does chrome keep crashing and the state. Law 1938 "On general militarization of the nation." The mechanism of the fascist dictatorship. "The new political structure" and "new economic structure". why does chrome keep crashing Punitive organs. Splicing functions of an administrative, military and political apparatus. why does chrome keep crashing Aggressive foreign policy. The defeat why does chrome keep crashing of Japan in World War II. Policy of the occupation why does chrome keep crashing authorities. Demilitarization, decartelization, democratization of the country. Eliminate the old secret police. Agrarian Reform why does chrome keep crashing Act 1946 Trade Union Act. Japan's constitution in 1947 and the highest authorities of their powers. Establishing a parliamentary monarchy. Economic development of the country. The judicial system. Supreme Court and its powers. High Courts. Territorial courts in the prefectures. Family Courts. Primary courts. Administrative justice. why does chrome keep crashing Prefecture. why does chrome keep crashing Advocacy. Election and appointment of judges.
Japanese economic development. Features of state regulation of the economy. That of Japan. why does chrome keep crashing Sources. Legislation why does chrome keep crashing era "Meiji". why does chrome keep crashing Codes 90s. XIX century. Civil law. Code 1898 Title. Criminal Law. Criminal Code 1870 of the Penal Code of the twentieth century. The 1947 Constitution why does chrome keep crashing of the Criminal Procedure Code in 1890 and 1922 Code of Criminal Procedure 1948 1947 Laws "On the Judicial System", "On Prosecutor's Office", "On Advocacy". Basic concepts of the theme: demilitarization, zaibatsu, cartels, liberal-democratic reform, why does chrome keep crashing the Council of the imperial court.
Guidelines Systemic crisis and disintegration of feudalism, the rise of national anti-feudal movement, the overthrow of the shogunate marked the beginning of bourgeois development in Japan. "Meiji Revolution" (in Japanese official historiography) - "enlightened government" - contributed to the modernization of Japanese society and the reform of 60-80 years. XIX century. More detail should consider the nature of the reforms, and what has been achieved as a result of their implementation.
The final stage was the adoption of the first in the history of Japan's Constitution in 1889, which laid the state-legal basis for further development of the Japanese state. Particularly noteworthy consideration of judicial reform in Japan and the development of bourgeois law: the codification of civil law, social legislation, the development of new criminal and criminal procedure codes.
Should reflect the increase of government compared to parliamentary institutions in the first decades of the XX century. In political terms the rise of Japanese military activity in the state occurs militarization of the political system, why does chrome keep crashing the creation why does chrome keep crashing of "new political" and "new economic" why does chrome keep crashing structures. Describing the development of postwar Japanese government why does chrome keep crashing must examine why does chrome keep crashing the Constitution in 1947, features the formation of supreme state authorities, foundations judicial system, political institutions. Questions for self-control: why does chrome keep crashing Features state-legal development of Japan in the first half of the twentieth century. why does chrome keep crashing Japan's political institutions under the Constitution why does chrome keep crashing in 1947 Evolution of the legal system of Japan.
Xinhai Revolution in 1911 in Wuchang Uprising. Split the country. "Organic Law" from 30.11.1911, the National Assembly in Nanjing. Yuan Shikai government in Beijing. Compromise between North and South. Fall of the monarchy. Constitution 1912 Attempt why does chrome keep crashing to restore the monarchy. Restore

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