Thursday, October 9, 2014

Since there is no objective statistics data on sales prices of cottages remains only statistics

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Stability will be the best news about the prices and number of transactions in 2013 1 Jan 2013
An average of 2.7 percent decreased prices in the country in 2012, according to data of the National Statistical Institute (NSI). Price per square meter has reached 881 lev at 905 lev a year earlier. Decline was observed in almost all regional cities with the exception of six - Blagoevgrad, Gabrovo, Pazardzhik, Ruse, Targovishte and Shumen. home value estimator Unlike previous years, however, now in most places the market does not account for sudden changes in prices and estimates are that close to the equilibrium point. After a little home value estimator more down in 2011 said 6.4 percent decline in house prices last year Sofia scored in Real Estate home value estimator statistics 1.1% lower prices (see table). home value estimator A similar reduction home value estimator in Burgas, Stara Zagora, Rousse home value estimator and even reported a slight increase - 0.9 percent for the year. Varna and Plovdiv average decline in 2012 is slightly larger - about 4%, but it is lower than 2011 Decrease in housing prices seen in the last quarter of 2012, figures home value estimator show that compared with the same period a year earlier decline in the country is 1.4%, compared to the third quarter (July to October) is 0.7%. In the capital and big cities, where they become and most transactions decrease compared to the previous home value estimator quarter is 1-2%. According to the intermediary companies in the property home value estimator market what is happening can be defined more as market home value estimator stabilization around already home value estimator reached price levels. "There's nowhere and nothing to expect dramatic reductions in new home prices," said Mladen Mitov, an analyst at Agency "Yavlena". According home value estimator to him deviation within 1% as in Sofia can be due to purely statistical factors. For example, the stronger sales of older homes whose prices per square meter are generally lower than those of the apartments with one or two rooms. Generally from "Yavlena" noted market stabilization and activation of the buyers in the capital in the last months of 2012. These are the data of the Registry Agency under which the period from October to December home value estimator in Sofia concluded 6047 sale of property, as in the fourth quarter a year earlier. Market forced home value estimator Topic is increasingly home value estimator excited buyers, and sales are through private bailiffs. The reason is that by law these properties are initially home value estimator offered at 25% lower prices compared to the market assessment. But it's hard to say what level of completed transactions with them, since there are more buyers bidding. For the moment, however, their number is small - about 4-5 thousand. Annually, according to the Chamber of Private Enforcement, although the majority of sales are for housing. NSI did not take them into account in their price indexes. According to the chairman of the Chamber of Private Enforcement home value estimator Georgi Dichev However, this market has grown by 20% in 2012, and this year also expect more deals with such properties. The reason home value estimator is partly a flexible policy of banks in an effort to clear their portfolios of bad loans (collateral they most often sold that way). The manager of "Yavlena" The fear Ivanov did not expect these properties have a significant impact on the market, as their number is relatively small against the background of 200 000 transactions a year and clearing bad loans from banks' portfolios will last at least 4-5 years .
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On the one hand, housing prices in BG are low compared to the EU average, but on the other compared to the average income then the prices are unaffordable for the average working man, of course exceptions are those working at higher wages in "big" home value estimator economic centers of BG, they the prices are affordable. Obobshteno- in the capital and a few bigger cities (resorts intentionally do not comment because there are dependencies of various kinds) prices may have reached its equilibrium home value estimator point, but in other areas it is still not true.
Intermediaries years dreaming this, but Naas. Before that even dreaming that prices will grow more, but still not recognized. What tells you that prices are falling while inflation grows? Suggests that not reached home value estimator any equilibrium.
Since there is no objective statistics data on sales prices of cottages remains only statistics

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