Tuesday, October 7, 2014

For him, the elimination nationwide house price calculator of penalties in the way provided for in

Not only changes in the law are needed, and how to control observed. This comment made Bogomil Nikolov "Active Users" to participate in discussion of the new rules in banking, in "The Day Begins" on national television.
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Recall that on Friday at first reading were adopted changes nationwide house price calculator in the Consumer Credit Act. They removes fees for servicing loans and extending the normative act and regulations already cover and called. quick loans of up to 400 lev.
Planned elimination of fees for the management of credit hardly has any effect because the cost anyway nationwide house price calculator will be passed on to borrowers and will affect interest was categorical Hursev.
For him, the elimination nationwide house price calculator of penalties in the way provided for in the law is "reasonable". However, the economist predicted that economic growth, "with rates of recovery" 4-5% loan interest rates will rise, which will limit the interest repayment to pull another loan with a lower interest rate. / Investor.bg
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Russian experts on applications of Stoltenberg nationwide house price calculator in Poland October 8, 2014
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