Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Prices in some countries, including Australia, Hong Kong, Israel, Norway, South Africa, Sweden and

The collapse of real estate prices shocked the world when triggered crisis that dried up bank balance sheets irish house price register obtained mortgages, personal wealth and stop the owners from London to Lahore. Global property markets widely reported moderate recovery in the last year. Improving the situation in many countries has already seemed lost momentum and there are concerns that the markets have taken up again after the collapse of housing prices in 2006-2007 year are close to crisis point again.
Recent indications of price pressure in places like the United States and Britain have underlined concerns irish house price register among economists and a few of them questioned the importance to the health of the economy of a functioning real estate market. Former Chairman of the Board of Federal Reserve of the United States (Fed) Alan Greenspan warned this month that it is even possible to start the American economy to shrink if house prices fall.
"The real estate market shows and availability of credit and consumer confidence, and thus is a general indicator of economic health," said Steven Rikuito, chief economist at Mizuho Securities. Analysts say it is not surprising that recent forecasts for moderate economic growth meet the expectations that the movement of prices will be just as seamlessly, even with the same type of volatility in the short term, we witnessed during the recession in 90s of the 20th century.
Prices began to decline around the world since the middle of 2006 due to the reversal of the markets in the United irish house price register States. By 2008 almost irish house price register all global property markets were "red". Prices have fallen irish house price register worldwide average of 17 percent in 2007 and 2008, according to consulting firm in the field of real estate Knight Frank, but have since returned to approximately 10% of its levels. "The majority of markets in developed countries now or go back up, or slow down," concludes Jean-Michel, chief economist for Europe at Standard & Poor's. irish house price register
Prices in some countries, including Australia, Hong Kong, Israel, Norway, South Africa, Sweden and China even surpassed its pre-crisis peak. China's economic growth slowed slightly in 2008 and the market is now experiencing such an increase to occur fears of a bubble, irish house price register although it is expected irish house price register that measures taken authorities to cool the property irish house price register market, which include credit control, to serve as a deterrent .
Standard & Poor's estimates that even in some countries where prices remain below their peak, such as Britain and France, housing still trade at levels above the average irish house price register in the long run. Others, however, are well below reached irish house price register their highest level. Among them are the United States and despite moderate growth recorded since the tax credits provided by government supported temporary sales. This group also Lithuania, Latvia, Ireland and Bulgaria.
In the United States, the marketing of real estate is the key to price pressures. Java Joshi, chief strategist at RAB Capital, says that oversupply irish house price register is the reason why house prices in the country irish house price register rose slightly after a far greater decline, although the American irish house price register economy was stronger than the British. "Given that nearly were destroyed millions of homes, it is not possible to disappear magically vast overbuilding (United irish house price register States)," he said in response to the comments already made in February this year by the famous American investor Warren irish house price register Buffett. irish house price register "In the UK, however, things are the opposite pole."
Oversupply also led to a fundamental restatement of prices in Dubai, Spain and Ireland. In most countries, however, a trend of moderate appreciation of real estate. Partly this is due to the plan to stimulate the economy, irish house price register and low interest rates, which made getting loans cheaply and reducing the number of those in difficulty owners.
But experts point out that the increasing cost of housing should not be considered to be indicative of a more general economic strength. Liam Bailey, head of the research department of Knight Frank, said: "This time the growth of the real economy supported prices. (Their) jump was unintentional consequence of emergency plans to stimulate the economy and may give the impression that the economic picture is more favorable than it really is. " It is possible that any further slowdown to reduce price increases, even if only as lower consumer confidence.
Report of the Committee of evropeyskit

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