Friday, October 3, 2014

Nothing causes more serious blow to our home as a serious decline in its price. For most of us, buy

Nothing causes more serious blow to our home as a serious decline in its price. For most of us, buying a home is the biggest investment you ever make in your life, wrote The credit crisis, increased interest rates and payments of the monthly installments to the bank lender continue to create many headaches house prices uk postcode for homeowners purchased on credit. And projections of some analysts in the sector that in some areas house prices may fall by over 20% in the next few years, many frightened people. house prices uk postcode Much of homeowners hope these projections do not prove Wren. However, occasionally some optimistic forecasts as the analyzer house prices uk postcode Sharpnel of BIS calm society. According to him, stagnant house prices uk postcode real estate market will be over by the end of this year and prices will slowly return to normal. Insufficient construction of new housing, while rising population will inevitably lead to a fall in prices of some companies in order mandatory sale of housing. It is also expected to facilitate the credit terms for a mortgage loan from the banks, which will be followed by a reduction in key interest rates again will make housing more affordable to buyers. Furthermore, achieved economic growth of any country is related to the increase in salaries of citizens. Question the appropriateness of buying a home now or in a few years, depending on market conditions, but mainly depends on your abilities and desires to make this step. And if you decide to purchase a new home, keep in mind a few things not to be disappointed in the first or second year after you bought it. Always look contributions to the payment of your home are within no more than 20% of your monthly income. This will certainly protect you from any surprises and falling into a difficult position. Do not buy a property if you are determined to live in it for at least the next seven to ten years. It may be that the second year you found something much better, and you remain another 15 years, until he should pay the home in which you currently live. Never Do not take too much money in the bank loan. The less in your mortgage loan, the less time you will need to return regardless of market conditions. Never forget, you are not buying a home to make money from it, but to live there.

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