Sunday, October 27, 2013

Tucson 2007 Bead

Tucson - the Gem Shows! | Manufacturer
Tucson 2007 Bead & Gem Show ... I want to put this info down on paper ... first for me because airfield estates I want to remember every minute of this amazing trip, and second because I think that may inspired some people who are sitting on the fence when it comes to making the decision to take the trip!
1. The Tucson Gem Show is this giant show with tons of booths ... not quite ... the Tucson Gem Show is actually 46 separate shows and each individual show can house 50-500 vendors.
2. After reading the guide and see where the shows were held Show, I figured I need a car ... do it ... I probably spent a total, $ 150 on taxis (you eliminate this cost totally if you stayed in a hotel near one of the places ). Tucson ongoing project 5 years of renovation and freeway traffic is a pain, aside from the fact that finding parking near most of the venues is very tough. The city of Tucson provided (FREE) a system of "shuttles that went to various shows, so if your hotel was near one of the shows - you had free transportation daily 08:00 to 19:00.
3. You have to have a business license and resale number (one show actually required letters of reference from companies bought from in the past) to get into (and buy) at most of the show ... as student Print was a huge fear for me as I no longer have a business. Most of the shows will admit students without question, some have student ID. The majority of venues offered "Visitor" passes and you can buy from most vendors. The vendors that are "Wholesale Only" or required a "Minimum Purchase", display that info prominently.
4. You can get amazing prices that will beat the Local Bead Store ... True and False! If you go to Tucson as a designer of one-of-kind-pieces, while prices will definitely beat your LBS, you are unlikely to get any great deals. If you have a beading supply business and can afford to purchase multiples, most vendors will offer deals grams, kilograms or pounds. You need to do your homework - most of the vendors deal in millimeters-centimeters, grams or kilograms, know your weights and measures nothing says amateur like messing up a weight. One way to get your bearings is say an item is priced per carat ... get the vendor to weigh and price sized stone you are looking at so you will have an idea what you can find in the range your price. At the bead vendors watch them weigh a kilogram of beads for someone (most will let you mix and match and one vendor gave $ 100 in free beads to anyone airfield estates with business ID) ... it will give you an idea of whether this is a deal or le.
5. Looks Matter - you know, the more I dressed down the easier it was to talk to some vendors ... there are shows that I feel that "business attire" is necessary (the AGTA, GJX & GLDA Shows in particular). But the bottom airfield estates line about the dress code is "business casual" - if you are like me, you will do a lot more walking than you have done while (and it continued day after day), for the most part important wardrobe is your shoes!
This show is probably the most high-end and popular airfield estates ... will truly leave you breathless. Most of the people I talked to did not go into this show because they felt it was just faceted stones and diamonds ... while that is a large portion of the show it also included beads and pearls (a shape I did not find anywhere else) and due to the presence of larger market and budget of companies represented, it is essential to show the trends and directions in fashion education. When you go in the main Gem Hall and see a line of emerald beads you an example of what AAA Grade Emerald Beads should look like. While it may be way out of our price range gives you ideal for shopping in other places.
Cuprian Tourmaline: no matter how controversial airfield estates this stone is, is beautiful and is everywhere! In the "Paraiba" color and a range of new colors (I am especially fond of strong, quality neon almost of violet) from Africa.
Micro-Beads: these tiny (most are 3-5mm) little smooth or aspects rondelles are huge ... most vendors are carrying them ... but buyer beware quality varies from vendor to vendor and from line to line. These are shown in Emerald, Ruby, Sapphire, Mixed Corundum (Ruby, Sapphire blue and yellow with), airfield estates corundum mixture Emerald and Diamond (all colors,

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