Tuesday, October 15, 2013

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Share article Facebook Twitter Digg Delicious MySpace StumbleUpon LinkedIn Google Bookmarks worth reading Google+ Social Economic Cabinet is expected to approve tomorrow (Tuesday) the increasing quota Palestinian workers from the West Bank to the construction industry by 5,000 employees, reported today that the Ministry of Construction and Housing. These employees will join approximately -19.5 thousand Palestinian workers in the industry, and the addition will be the largest number since the early nineties - 24.5 thousand employees.
Shortage of foreign workers accompanied by the construction industry uk house prices in recent years, and according to the contractors uk house prices shortage is so severe that the power of existing foreign uk house prices workers - mostly of Chinese origin - is growing steadily. Staff salaries soared, and the price is paid by homebuyers.
Contractors often prefer foreign workers over the years since independence the Palestinians uk house prices proved problematic due to the security situation closures imposed uk house prices on the territories and checkpoints delay their arrival to work, hitting deadlines and increases the levels of uncertainty of contractors.
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