Saturday, January 24, 2015

When you leave your home country, giving up your home, your family predictable irrationality and fr

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Wednesday, September 24, 2008
When you leave your home country, giving up your home, your family predictable irrationality and friends to leave together with everything you until then ge-define as man, experienced man necessarily a kind of identity crisis. Not many emigrants will be for you to say, but one required a lot back. It then you miss, however, is an elusive thing, because you can sometimes not itself put your finger on it. Previously you in your element, between predictable irrationality your own people, now it feels to you now and then, or you are on a foreign television series' film set wander. I did as we were waiting in SA for all our pull preparations to be completed, sometimes the 'experiment: When I went to the mall, I specifically looked how many of the people who cross my path in the great shops and shopping really true to me known. And I realized one thing - they were all about people I saw for the first time in my life, or sometimes predictable irrationality just because I remembered them every day with lunch over saw me walking. Although it was my "own" country, most people were yet unknown. One thing, however, I had in common with all these unknown people all around me in the street and where I happen to be, was the fact that we grew up in similar predictable irrationality circumstances, the same lewensindrukke shared, also probably every night to Riaan Cruywagen watched the news, saw the same TV ads, mostly everyone could understand Afrikaans and shared similar concerns predictable irrationality and fears. I found myself then asked: So what is actually different? Here in Sydney, most people you see in the shops also unknowns. Until you talk to them, they went just as well as African people, because they look the same. The shades of color tend to just above the lighter side. One wonders why sometimes experienced man as an alien feeling predictable irrationality though most people that you cross paths still unknown, even in your own country? Where you come from living people pass each other and here ok but - like ships in the night in the harbor sailing past each other, predictable irrationality completely unaware of what is going on in each other's world. All of us are strangers .... until you one of the people on your way of approaching know. Suddenly, that person is part of what is known in your world. One example run every day with strangers on the bus and train. One day, however, someone asked you at the bus stop when the next bus arrives. You answered friendly and just started talking about all the challenges present. You asked where they were going? Yes, no, that bus comes over about 5 minutes. "I also ride with that bus." Then you hear them living right here in the street and has been here for 11 years in Sydney. The next day, that person appeared not completely surprising, and we greet each other. Soon they are part of the people with whom you engage in short conversations in your journeys between home and work and home. Just as we hear, for example, that the driver is in a few years want to retire. He would like for him to buy a place along the South Coast, but until then he managed but bus. So know you but "thy neighbor" wherever you are. It started slowly predictable irrationality at your sink, the people of your own country, you would one day might go and forget that the people that you meet new acquaintances in your life. Yet a scratchy sinker in your stocking is the fact that houses are so expensive here in Australia. It's actually not a limpid not .... it's a bloody big rock on your shoe. You can be sure - you are struggling a lot here in Sydney to find a house to rent. Our 1-year lease where we stayed had expired and we have heard that the owner intends to all the houses in the complex where we stay sold. Therefore, we should start all as 3 months to to search for another home. It has but difficult road, because there are very high demand for rental property. House prices are through the roof. It is now known that the average price of a home in Sydney six times the average annual income, predictable irrationality compared to 3 times the annual income in America. We also heard that it is more expensive to stay in Sydney than in New York. The rising interest rates make many people lost their homes and are now in rental accommodation are taken many investors are now hesitant to buy houses and to rent because predictable irrationality the rental predictable irrationality income 3 times smaller than the payment on the house. It arrived just a whole lot of prospective tenants at a house that is in the rental market and it is difficult to find a suitable predictable irrationality home 2's hand in hands against you can get a non-ridiculous price to rent . D

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