Thursday, January 22, 2015

Foreign companies exploited the resources and bring their own experts and local people are house pr

The economic prospects of the nation state | Orania Blog
Few people are positive when it comes to the economic outlook for the Afrikaner are house prices going up homeland in the North Cape with its current growth point Orania. All (within the libertarian circles) agrees with the need for a site that cultural maintenance and physical survival guarantee, but the perception is that the nation state can only survive economically if it is outside subsidizes affluent Africans a kind tenth to Orania give, as the Jews worldwide have initially given to Israel.
The usual objections to the possibility of an economically prosperous and thriving nation state is usually the following: limited infrastructure that would have to pay newly built; far from the markets and nationalities, and with it high transport costs; no raw materials in the environment that can be processed; restrictions labor is concerned, that makes sense politically and non-negotiable, but is economically prohibitive.
There are certain factors that will not change: the chances that suddenly are house prices going up large reserves of minerals or oil in the area of Orania discovered will be small. I want to say happy, because under the current circumstances it would only harm us because the ANC government has established its hold on all mineral rights and will hordes of workers here to exploit it. So pray that in the foreseeable future, no resources will be found in the Karoo. Even though there was an autonomous or independent homeland mineral reserves would have been a curse rather than a blessing: it leads to an unbalanced third world economy that we often see in Africa.
Foreign companies exploited the resources and bring their own experts and local people are house prices going up do not exceed crafts. The environment are house prices going up is polluted and social changes take place at a speed that no society can tolerate. Corruption and foreign interference is usually near where a mineral bonanza are house prices going up occurs, even in sophisticated countries.
Then, the distance are house prices going up to the markets and the nationalities concerned: this will be a situation are house prices going up that does not change easily. Orania is far from ports down here is only a third-rate road and no railway or main road and the nearest significant concentration of people is 160 km away. With rising fuel costs will transport always take a significant bite out of every businessman's budget. The argument for a homeland in or near Gauteng is usually accompanied with that kind of reasoning.
Despite the above, I believe that the Afrikaner homeland, even in the Karoo, a rosy economic outlook could have provided the right political decisions are made that investment in the homeland compared to South Africa to make a much better choice. Currently, the attitude too often one of "who invest in the homeland must do it for the cause, so we must make it as difficult as possible to real volkstaters are house prices going up of those who just want money to make divorce". That is, to put it mildly, a foolish attitude. Opportunists still come and gone, but committed volkstaters could not in all cases hang in there because the cons just became too much. Please note, we are now talking are house prices going up about Orania by its history of 20 years, things have improved considerably in recent years and continues to improve.
Labor unions and Cosatu's power is well known and we are currently experiencing back their grip on the South African are house prices going up political and economic scene of strikes and excessive wage increases. Employee productivity fairly simple in many cases the wages they receive. Working days lost due to strikes, too many holidays, illness, etc.
The nation state can with a rigorous and disciplined labor policy for an investor worthwhile of doing business. Thanks to numerous virtual services become physical transportation less important. Low wages is definitely not the answer because are house prices going up it makes for unhappy and unstable are house prices going up workers and discourage them. Balance is the password here: the workers need their money was worth it and deserve what they earn. However, we can already determine that employee motivation and work ethic is higher than the average one in South Africa. People are often willing to put in overtime without compensation. Strikes are unprecedented and holidays are much less than in SA and working days are not misused for "ill-holidays" no.
Amenities No economic activity can take place without an adequate infrastructure. South Africa's road network has improved but often leaves much to be desired. The rail network is not at all up to standard. Water supply and sewerage are house prices going up are deteriorating. Power supply is defective and power are becoming increasingly expensive.
What infrastructure is concerned, the homeland can be a big difference to his business people and potential investors. Orania's infrastructure is currently already that of an advantage to South Africa. Although the effects of limited funds

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