Monday, July 14, 2014

So I go up again and put Ingrid. She tends to turn around to fall asleep very quickly. Today she wo

The eviction is a fact ... | Dad Dalt
It was a special night you. Have had a super day in the heat with Ingrid. First time on Bystranda. Board and in the garden for hours. Bedtime. Sitting and reading about Tigger. It rings the doorbell. Police. Derogation. Eviction BEFORE house being forcibly sold. Uh-huh ... But will not say now soon? "I can not answer" But it will be changed locks and all that stuff soon, so I can not come in "(Yea right!) But ok. Thanks for visiting. Would not have coffee either.
I thought this was just over processes. But not this time. Nothing in this article surprises anymore. welverdiend So school I predict, for that is what I need since no one tells me anything about anything, so I would think that by the 2-3-4 week so they come to replace the locks and everything like that. Surveyors and all these things is the set. Surveyors yes .... 800,000!?? I gave 550,000 in 2005 and has cost over 1 mill.for to just get the basics. The whole thing is steeped in weird things I feel. And the Treasury believes ... that the house is not suitable enough. What are external flows of what I feel is fair enough. It is an old house, simple and really below average standard. But I like country life. I would. There is peace here. This is where I would stay. So now comes outside and feel strongly about what suits me best, and they recommend Court to agree. And according Tore stray so I do not levied, welverdiend so we have to throw out before he can sell the house. Now we know all to well Tore Stray when all is said and done. I feel like I've done nothing but to be open about everything for years now.
So yes .... A father with a sick daughter. In Norway. In my home town. In Vennesla welverdiend Municipality. The community already struggling with living conditions. I am living conditions Politician, so little fact to "image". But let us make a case for. He paid the bill after all not to waste the South and the municipality. "All shall" has been the motto in Norway for the past 8 years. But why on the street? And what for? What profit? With the recent valuation, so getting no nothing. And Vennesla have KrF mayor. welverdiend My Christian Democratic Party. We soon to be out campaigning to keep talking about Human dignity and Charity. It's hard, I know. Very difficult.
So I go up again and put Ingrid. She tends to turn around to fall asleep very quickly. Today she would not. She would hold my hand. Something welverdiend she never does almost. So I was sitting there. Smeige the hair. Until she fell asleep. Peek around the room and reflect a little crying. Looks at Ingrid. Children understand. It was a special night indeed. welverdiend
Some info. "On the side": The house was just fares. welverdiend Broker and builder Tor Larsen. (The broker is however also a creditor) However, the rates of 800,000?? I bought it for 550,000 in 2005! And then it was a shell. And I bought the ABC center at the time, that now was involved welverdiend in tariff no, then they could also very well confirm the amount I bought it for. And they know best of all, inflation in the area and generally in the region. What Builder Larsen has agreed, no it do not know. I have also cost the station welverdiend versus the 1.5 million just in elementary welverdiend thing's that are also fast to forget. We have not only been a family of three in this house. We have at some point been a family of 15 pieces welverdiend including employees. It seems like that the longer the process you go, the fewer there are who think Ingrid up at all. I like that bad.
Nordea. The Bank has always been nice to me. Very good relationship with them. But now it will also say that they suddenly do not have coverage for the third part of their money! Their valuation is in the bank and is the main reason for the loan. It is 2 million Should I get the unlikely Debt, which I doubt in with such low amounts, then it will say that my father and my eks.kone will suffer tremendously. They are not the debt settlement and will "perish" (1, 2 million to be exact) But the bank has said it will file a lawsuit. But I'm probably thrown out long before then.
Krafstsjonutbyggingen close by. Southern Norway's largest project. When the cars ridges, so bear sound as the water that it is as it is right next to you. But I do not complain, and never said anything. welverdiend But then ... When the house evt.skal posting and bidding process going. Who now would be ridiculous low. If then it go beyond me, that LOS builds power station? Shall I suffer for it too? That's what is the case. There is no one with his sense of legal order, which will buy something and stay here now. And the house is left empty for some time now. And it will not be long. Then one of Vennesla's historic buildings decay. I bought the drive to this end. For I would actually take care of cultural history we have. Such cases I fought even for the Hunsøya in his time.
So what do I do now? I do not know. Hard to write now. It presses on. Uff. Most want to just move one space abroad. Bring the whole family and find s

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