Thursday, July 10, 2014

Address newspaper spoke earlier today with the missing woman

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Police worried rubber boats Nidelva
Sea King rescue shockwave flash crash fix helicopter found the missing woman Trondheim today participated in the exploration campaign already last night. But they had to give up the search for a short time, because of the heavy snow showers. shockwave flash crash fix
- We took a round in the area. It was a bit random and a bit of luck that we found her so quickly. She was lying on a green lung, a short distance to the residence, said second pilot Nils Christian Kaaresen to Heist on board
Address newspaper spoke earlier today with the missing woman's mother, Inger Value, at St. Olav's Hospital - glad that there are 18 hours long nightmare ended happily. Value was alive but severely chilled after a night out in the freezing temperatures and snow.
According mother should Lisa Value have been so chilled that she had started to undress when she was found. The woman is brain damaged and therefore can not account for it. She was conscious but cold when she was found by Sea King crew.
Sea King crew went out at midnight last night to join the search. After a short time to the end, because of the heavy snow. 6 o'clock this morning, they were again called the police.
- We began to search along the roads, but had to quickly give up because of the snow. We were very excited when we found her later in the morning. It was with a heavy heart we left the place at night, says Nils Christian Kaaresen.
Because of the snow, it was not possible to use the thermal imaging camera, shockwave flash crash fix which rescue helicopter is equipped with. When was in contact with 330 Squadron in the afternoon, had multiple gone to bed.
- It will be a very good mood when it ends like this. We take the "high five" and smiles shockwave flash crash fix the whole gang. It was a happy bunch who drank coffee on Pirterminalen earlier in the day, make Kaaresen. Great looking action <

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