Saturday, April 26, 2014


"The U.S. housing market has been the Depression"
According to real estate prix immo paris site Zillow, which in his houses Value Index rose by 0.2% in the second quarter compared to the same quarter last year; Because the value of homes in the U.S. rose for four consecutive months at Zillow estimates U.S. housing market changed direction
"After four months of rising home values and positive outlook Increasingly, it seems clear that the country went through the slump in house prices," said Stan Humphries, chief economist prix immo paris at Zillow, which tracks home prices in the U.S.. "Recovery in the housing market endures despite The smallest increment of jobs than expected U.S. economy, suggesting that there is an independent strength in the housing market, "he said.
The index is different to other indices that track the prices of recently sold homes, such as Case-Shiller index. According to Case-Shiller index house prices in almost all major cities in the U.S. rose in April compared to March, further evidence that the housing market is recovering while the labor market continues to deteriorate.
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