Sunday, April 27, 2014

: The American Nightmare: 3,485 years of work to earn as CEO New data: Israel ranks third in the ri


U.S. new-home prices declined by 0.3% in August, the annual level of 373 thousand units. Number of units sold in July was revised upwards to an annual rate of 374 thousand units - the highest level since April, bust boom 2010. Economists had expected sales of 380 thousand units in August, annual rate. compared with August 2011 sales surged 27.7%.
: The American Nightmare: 3,485 years of work to earn as CEO New data: Israel ranks third in the rise of housing prices in 19 consecutive bust boom years - Bill Gates is the richest man in the U.S. Despite the slight decrease in sales in August, compared to July, it seems that the real estate bust boom market " American real is on the rise after the collapse of 2006
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