Monday, April 28, 2014



weather feltham Summer is traditionally the season for real estate sales. Crisis indeed hurt the quality of the transactions and recently not see sales such as $ 530 million was willing to pay a Russian oligarch Mikhail Prokhorov for the estate of Lily Safra French Riviera (deal fell apart finally tycoon satisfied with an advance of $ 53 million and finally and the rest of the home purchase) but there are still quite a few properties on the market with price of 9 digits - making them the most expensive in the world. 1. House, Hyde Park, London. week released the private house the most expensive in the world. house has seven floors and 45 bedrooms, located in a prestigious Knightsbridge overlooking Hyde Park. owners are asking for 300 million pounds (484 million dollars). He formerly owned by slain Lebanese prime minister, Rafik Hariri, and after his death is a gift to Saudi Crown Prince Sultan Abdul Aziz between.
Second. Private island in Italy. Before leaving London house market Yee Lee waves were considered the most valuable asset was for sale recently. weather feltham Yee Lee waves previously belonged to a ballet dancer and promoter of Russian origin Rudolf Nureyev, and their villa was built in 1924. Upon all this luxury is near the island of Capri will pay no less than 268 million dollars.
Three. Beaches on Long Island. The second property weather feltham is also a resort, but unlike Lee waves, impressive price - $ 200 million - not including even a house. This field area of about 40 acres in total Amagansett beach on Long Island adjacent to New York City. The area without development and is probably intended for foreign investors.
Four. Penthouse in London. Valuable asset for sale with the UK is a penthouse in Bulgarian hotel in central London. For an apartment with an area of 860 sq. seek $ 157 million. weather feltham Biggest advantage of the penthouse is the imposing Hyde - Park. Drawback might be also become an advantage - lack of finishing at all, so the buyer will bare walls and join to invest additional capital to bring it to the appropriate state housing. On the other hand, so could any Sichos the penthouse to all tastes.
Five. Mansion in Beverly Hills. weather feltham Investor Jeff Regin, who invested millions of dollars in the design and remodeling of the estate in Beverly Hills became one of the most impressive in the region, now hopes to recoup the investment and seeks $ 150 million. Who do with the transaction will receive an estate area of 4,000 square meters with 11 meter centers house bedrooms, parking for 24 cars, private pool and more kinds of treats. Guest house is located next to and around homes landscaped garden on a huge plot of 100 acres.
Six. Mansion in Bel Air. Until recently the estate of Suzanne weather feltham Saperstein in Bel Air, Los Angeles, known as Palo de - lis was the most expensive on the list of U.S. assets. Comes in a magnificent building with a total area of 3,250 square meters of 12 bedrooms, 15 bathrooms, Ballroom Luxurious, marble walls, a fully equipped theater, nine parking lots, residence and 10 servants and a variety trappings of luxury. All this abundance is for sale for $ 125 million.
7th. Villa in Miami. Vs Flo de - lis competing Casa Kazorina Miami, which is also offered for $ 125 million. This is the home where Joanie renowned designer Gianni Versace, who was one of the previous owners of the house, used to fancy receptions before his tragic death prematurely. This large and impressive weather feltham house after the death of Gianni Versace was used as a hotel. Now he is again offered for sale as home for one family. " Perhaps a particularly large family or one who loves space, and most importantly - very rich.
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