Friday, March 14, 2014

Talent Vietnam is a prestigious award, playing a lot of excellent products, which are in the top 5

(AFP) - It is the confirmed leader of the author solemnly as Solution Selling house appraisal tips Software Online on cloud platform recently honored Bizweb won three successful team of IT products Talent house appraisal tips Award Vietnam in 2013.
Solution Selling Software Online on cloud computing platform Bizweb won three successful IT product group of Vietnamese Talent Awards in 2013, this was testament to the trust of customers. This is a great opportunity to Bizweb can go further on eCommerce market ...
Leader author house appraisal tips solemnly: When Bizweb been named as winners house appraisal tips Three Vietnam Talent 2013 award step up, I feel really happy and proud. Bizweb house appraisal tips efforts in product development for almost house appraisal tips 4 years with many difficulties and challenges.
Talent Vietnam is a prestigious award, playing a lot of excellent products, which are in the top 5 finalists was a great honor of Bizweb. Winning three of this year's competition is a testament to confirm the customer's recognition and perks for Bizweb.
The award is a great motivation to help us more confident on the road Bizweb selected, continue efforts to improve products beneficial to society, contributing to Vietnam's e-commerce development development.
In this group there are many successful IT products stand out. There are high is a great effort of Bizweb. We have prepared very careful records, providing data on sales, customer detail and clarity. I think that Bizweb value contribution to society plus clear development orientation, initial results are positive highlights to Bizweb received appreciation from the Jury.
Up to this point the number of customers is bizweb than 4000 businesses / shops. Brought Bizweb billion in revenue in 2800 to more than 4,000 businesses, stores. The operation Bizweb customers in more than 30 areas across house appraisal tips the country and many other countries such as Korea, Japan, USA, UK, China ...
Bizweb defined house appraisal tips here as a matter of survival, is the brand of the product. Therefore, information security is always a top priority. Information is data of our clients maximum security. System we developed house appraisal tips separate source so secure, along with firewall, authentication levels house appraisal tips to ensure the stability and safety of the system.
Planning for the future of Bizweb is further improved its product to bring users the best product most effectively. Bizweb market is developing e-commerce applications and integrated CRM & Sales Management to add value for customers using Bizweb. Bizweb goal of 2016 is to achieve 30,000 customers.
Mr. Le Hong Ha - jury members house appraisal tips for final comment: "As I Bizweb product is consistent with the current development trend, I appreciate the applicability Bizweb fast and easy to use. Also Bizweb product gives small and medium enterprises (accounting for 90% of businesses now) this is the right direction so Bizweb house appraisal tips ".
The outstanding house appraisal tips advantage of BIZWEB is simple, intuitive in use help users easily manipulate and operate. Besides, BIZWEB integrated support tools help sales as customers: Bizmail (email marketing solutions assist customers send email series to introduce products to the target customer group), ad networks Vietclick (Helping customers Bizweb products advertised on more than 1000 sites), exchanges ecommerce house appraisal tips (Bizweb floor integration with e-commerce transactions, helping customers Bizweb duplicated sales opportunities), SEO tools website (SEO optimization was Bizweb, customer support increasing website rankings on Google). house appraisal tips Bizweb special version house appraisal tips dedicated for mobile devices helps customers access and manage sales website on the mobile phone.
6. Solution ordering, monitoring via GPS technology won the Vietnam Talent 2013 3. Image Awards unforgettable Vietnam house appraisal tips Talent 2013 5. Rare opportunity for contestants Vietnam Talent 4. TrueLife - the highest prize in the field of IT into Vietnam house appraisal tips Talent 2013
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6. Solution ordering, monitoring via GPS technology won the Vietnam house appraisal tips Talent 2013 3. Image Awards unforgettable Vietnam Talent house appraisal tips 2013 5. Rare opportunity for contestants Vietnam Talent 4. TrueLife R

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