Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Other expenses haddam ct OceanGroup 430 billion cost of sales and management of the Funds 18-02 201

2013: Hoang Anh Gia Lai earn the most money from? | Vinacorp - News
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2013 was a year too many memorable events for Hoang Anh Gia Lai (HAGL). Earlier in the year, the group opened processing plant rubber and sugar cane factory in Attapeu Province, Laos. By June, HAGL started embarking on complex HAGL Center in Yangon Myanmar, haddam ct projects that they have been quietly buying land for many years with very cheap prices.
Phase 1 of the project has a total investment of $ 200 million. If on schedule, by the end of 2014, HAGL can exploit the phase 1 of the project includes one office building and one of more than 400 hotel rooms. Currently, property prices in Yangon remains very high because the supply can not meet.
While HAGL is concentrating on Myanmar project is a surprising decision given: HAGL would withdraw from most of the real estate projects in the country. Besides, HAGL up also advocated divestment from hydropower sector, mineral stones and wood.
Upon completion of the restructuring, HAGL's operating business in the future there will be only two main areas of real estate projects in Myanmar and agriculture. Much of this activity takes place in foreign countries (Laos, Cambodia and Myanmar).
Prior to 2013, although HAGL has a lot invested in new areas but real estate is still the main source of income of the group, contributing about 60% of sales. To 2013, this proportion decreased to 9%, reaching 247 billion.
For the whole 2013, approximately 2,770 HAGL billion in revenue from business operations and net profit after tax more than 900 billion. In particular, the largest contribution is sugar, accounting for 30%.
Sugar in its first year in operation has earned approximately HAGL 840 billion in revenue. HAGL is sugarcane growing areas of up to 10,000 ha and pressing plant with a capacity of 7,000 tonnes of cane / day.
While sugar obtained success beyond expectations, revenue from rubber still relatively modest. As originally planned, HAGL will earn 512 billion from rubber but the result was only 239 billion - accounting for 9% of total revenue.
Another noteworthy point of the agricultural sector HAGL is superior margin. Gross profit margin of 66% and sugar 69% rubber, haddam ct which cost $ 1 earned 2 closed (not to mention the financial haddam ct costs, sales and management). Because of high profit margins despite accounting for only 40% of sales but this brings contributed to 60% of total profits.
According haddam ct to the interpretation of HAGL, they invest heavily for planting and plant care should bring higher productivity. In addition, HAGL also enjoy many of the Lao government incentives.
HAGL time to continue building the Nam Kong 2 project in Laos with 66MW. This project may consider to sell or retain, depending on conditions. In addition, haddam ct there HAGL fired power plants with a capacity of 30MW bagasse in sugar mills combined.
Other expenses haddam ct OceanGroup 430 billion cost of sales and management of the Funds 18-02 2013, EVN is problematic haddam ct Privatised 18-02 MobiFone haddam ct go on the trail vehicle? 18-02 First year, oil and gas industry tax debt 18-02 New Deputy General Director and CEO of Masan Beverage business is? 18-02 Loss 2 consecutive years, Vosco face court suspended from trading Vingroup reach 18-02 billion in net revenue 18 380 2013 18-02 NBB: Stock prices haddam ct rose sharply, falling profits compared with the period 17-02 Cuong Mother 'dollar', explaining why losses continual 17-02
Code relating Ticker: HAG view price 467 21.2 Count 'Volatile' hundreds of billions, trillions oval collection of ... 2

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