Thursday, March 13, 2014

Real Estate 2013 witnessed a sudden improvement in the housing segment, cheap (less than 70m2 area,

In early 2014, the report of the Ministry of Construction said that the total value of real estate inventories the country about 94 458 billion. Specifically, real estate inventories as of 12/15/2013, apartments remaining 20,012 units (29 230 billion), low-rise apartment 13 585 (24 140 billion), 10,800 million m2 land (34 890 billion) . commercial land was 2,002 million m2 (6,199 billion). Before that, May 8/2013, according to the Ministry of Construction, 62% of real estate inventories located in the villa segment, adjacent land and the project acknowledges the challenge for "every mountain" middle and senior.
Real Estate 2013 witnessed a sudden improvement in the housing segment, cheap (less than 70m2 area, less than 15 million m2). At City. Hanoi, most cheap apartment project (which appears after "play guns" Dai Thanh) are welcome liquidity to the "line of fire". In another corner, many commentators and real estate investor attention is put into tens, hundreds adjacent villas, high-end products price house are "lying in wait".
The number of projects impermeable cheap, but real estate medium - high concentration levels are a major source of investment money from a few years ago. According to many economists, the key to break the "mountain" high inventory level is the price of this segment is not reasonable in the problem of business investment, and the financial ability of the person in need (including overseas Vietnamese and foreigners). price house
For investors (both domestic and foreign), overseas Vietnamese and foreigners, or intend to buy real estate in Vietnam price house in which only stopped to think, price house because of the legal framework for this new show stop in the draft. At a market perspective, information broadcast from the conference "Economic Forum Fall" (in Hue Date 09/26/2013) launched a need to remove difficulties: housing prices in Vietnam are recognized high 25 times the income of the population, five times the area, up to 100 times compared to 20 last year.
However, the "big picture" senior property seems less gray. In contrast to sediments throughout the state in 2013, the market recorded high scale projects were announced dense Rich, open sale since the beginning of the new year. These include projects such as the Central Park Manor (Bitexco as an investor), Garden City FLC (FLC's) ... Or more spectacular price house is the "super" project of Tan Hoang Minh was busy deploying . According to the Office for rent in District 1, this is easy to understand and the dynamics of the time investors have foresight. Because customers for high-end real estate price house market is coming price house back. The price has been reduced by 35-45% (for the premiere real estate a few years ago).
At the same time, open-door policy for foreigners, overseas Vietnamese to buy wide roads, real estate business is about "form" will help the flow of foreign capital "flowing" directly into the high-end real estate projects have good prices, make legal security - opportunities "gold" for the middle segment, advanced.
While public opinion and the comments people continually make many different perspectives on the new draft of the Housing Act (as amended) published by the Ministry of Construction, the Government, the legal experts are paying attention to the draft regulations on compensation, price house support and resettlement when the State recovers land under the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment opinions. According Ls.Ngan (working in a real estate transactions), this will be the legal factors are expected to remove the fundamental long-running dispute relating to compensation for land recovery price house along.
Besides a number of new provisions in the draft regulations clearly separates the land price framework, the land acquisition cases in the land compensation, resettlement or housing and the case withdrawn land compensation in cash, additional draft Vietnam object residing overseas price house are owned houses associated with land use rights in Vietnam, if in the land acquisition price house compensation as the households and individuals in the country ...
Temporary understand, if this provision is adopted and put into practice, price house and overseas Vietnamese residing in the country would be "fair treatment" in Vietnam legal system in the case of compensation for land acquisition.
Since the elements of radical policies as considering allowing overseas Vietnamese price house and foreigners are buying property, real estate (no time restriction), or create a fair legal framework for overseas Vietnamese compensation for land acquisition, lot 2014 signaled a new focus both management policies, land development, and real estate market improves positive liquidation of high real estate prices.
Forecast 2014, Issue 1 district office rentals for outside investors that are familiar from Malaysia, South Korea, Singapore, today many investors price house from Japan, Russia, China ... are actively explore the market. This proves price house that they have the ability to see the future of the real estate market in Vietnam. "Clement weather, favorable terrain, price house the Republic" were positive, confidence for the future of real estate is so high that more definitely.
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