Monday, December 9, 2013

Well, in the case of such projects the company itself is also difficult to produce accurate forecas

Given how few new companies arrive to Tallinn Stock Exchange, is extremely positive when a new company is being added. And at this rate, it is also possible to keep the tradition that new businesses also arrive through the analysis (see OEG, Arco Vara AS Premia Foods, and not-quite-100%-homegrown Facebook).
Pro Capital IPO, even the term is not quite correct, refind house prices because they already know the procedures listed have been, and it is not the primary bidding. At the time, there was no delisting of the most painful refind house prices (the stock exchange in 2001, the company was forced to leave because no longer met the conditions for admission, though later added that, if the conditions for re-filled, back from the stock exchange). But this is history, refind house prices after Ernesto Preatoni relationship the company has already very different from what they were in 2001.
Analysis of the fundamental and individual equity is very important that the investor takes into account the specificities of the company. Analysis of the company's commercial production is quite different from that of the company. What are the peculiarities of Capital refind house prices Pro? It is clear that the company operates in the real estate sector, but the sector also has a wide variety of companies quoted on the stock exchanges. And we must recognize that in the past two years, the profile of Capital Pro pretty refind house prices significantly changed. They sold in 2011. In one of their biggest investment, Kristiine shopping. Thus, if before that, they had quite a large part of cash on top of the real estate, today the company refind house prices is clearly quite clean development company - owns the land for the development (in several cases, including a detailed plan), and seeking money for their projects. Three prominent IPO monies project is carried out:
First of all, this is definitely a higher risk of developing the property as a cash equity refind house prices capital and, secondly, the Pro also quite long-term investment. Essentially, the company has a large number of the owner of the land, of which there is real value in terms of square meters refind house prices of real estate only after the development. Thus, Pro Capital Investors today are buying potential. The company has now demonstrated the ability to realize larger projects, but value creation is still time yet to come.
Real estate is without a doubt, 2008 After the crisis, many investors around the world do not freak. However, in many areas, it means "fright" in lower prices or more favorable places to enter. Than in 2007. I was very skeptical about the real estate market of today there is so much below the market prices of residential properties, for example, that 5.a. paragraph dare to be moderately optimistic - in some years, refind house prices I think that the residential property market in Ireland has the potential to grow to a few percent faster than inflation.
In fact, I'm not so positive all the global real estate section - for example in Scandinavia, the prices are higher than in 2008 at the peak of the interest rate increases there may be hard to hit the market. It also has a real estate bubble in China (or in the burst) and the way it would affect the whole of Asia and Australia, and the real estate potential of 3-5a. paragraph rather than price cuts. However, the Estonian makropotentsiaal better than average, and lower prices give cause for moderate optimism here. The figure shows the volume of housing in new areas, such as new objects are visible after a crisis volumes remained very thin.
In addition to living space with plans to develop the trade premises Pro Kapital. I have to this sector, which is slightly less positive than residential refind house prices property, because Tallinn is retail space per capita in comparison refind house prices to Scandinavia is quite high (as compared to, for example, office space or residential spaces), and if any of the competitor in the larger centers need to be, then you have the numbers quite quickly really great going. AEC's work is in the development phase, and Panorama City Trigon Tallinn Gate Business Park and Amerikanurga. Of office refind house prices and warehouse space in terms of investment would be subject to a slightly more positive, but their share of Pro Endowment below.
Pro today's capital refind house prices structure means that the years 2012-2013 are not here at all very important in terms of making a profit - and they will be invested in development projects only after this period will enlarge its return.
But here we come to my mind, even in its most narrow point of the IPO - the company has not revealed the exact time frame in which the project could begin to accrue money (I asked this in a separate organizers over). This leads to the fact that information from the public is not able to build a financial model to assess potential refind house prices projects refind house prices in today's refind house prices prices, because it is not known when the cash flows are more doubtful.
Well, in the case of such projects the company itself is also difficult to produce accurate forecasts (market situation may change in the pace of development priorities, and change), but the valuation of the company's capital Pro is the most basic.
True, the IPO also accompanied by a rating Newsec Pro Capital's portfolio, but any knowledge refind house prices of the financial markets, a person refind house prices knows that it is about as objective as a wedding, the groom's mother's opinion of the quality of the groom. Maybe that Newsec

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