Monday, November 18, 2013

Profitable faktoranalys investments in real estate recorded a low level in the difference between i

The decline in housing prices over the last five years clearly caused the economic crisis that shook the world five years ago. How has since developed housing prices in the Czech Republic and (especially) how they will evolve in the near future, particularly during the remainder faktoranalys of 2013 and in the year 2014? Housing prices in 2012 and 2013
The report on financial stability, released in June of this year, Czech National Bank shows that this year should still housing prices stagnate or fall slightly. The increase in prices is not expected until next year, and this year is certainly true assertion that investment in buying an apartment is worth. Their prices is still at their fundamental values. faktoranalys Preferred is currently also invest in a property that we expect faktoranalys a certain return.
The previous year, 2012 was noticeable drop in realization prices of apartments, up by 2.9%. Compared with the peak in 2008, the decline in exercise prices of apartments currently stands at 22%. For single-family homes that were affordable probably the most stable real estate prices in 2011 fell by 1.8% in comparison with its peaks are about 5% lower. Over the past year, housing prices in the Czech Republic (outside Prague) Prague faktoranalys apartments fell and their declines slightly diminished.
Profitable faktoranalys investments in real estate recorded a low level in the difference between interest rates and profit from the rents. Rental faktoranalys yields have increased in 2012 and this trend is reflected and continued into this year. Revenues from the lease were in most regions of the Czech Republic even the highest in the last five and a half years.
A similar situation regarding the development of prices for apartments in the Czech Republic is comparable with other EU states, in which economic advancement is similar to ours, with significant declines could record Romania, Poland or Hungary and conversely lower then declines were for example the Slovak Republic or Portugal. How will housing prices evolve in 2014?
Taking into account the deteriorating situation at home and expected macroeconomic developments, it can be argued that housing prices will continue to stagnate, or will fall slightly. Their growth should occur approximately around mid-2014. faktoranalys If there should be a so-called protracted depression, illustrated by the Czech National Bank, a poor macroeconomic developments, it should house prices decline during the next year, and by about 17%. The decline in prices of flats development projects
A wide range of prices for apartments in development projects is still too high and includes any reserve. Clients have the opportunity to haggle about the price especially for projects that are still under construction, or those who are planning to build.
In apartment 2 +2 apartment faktoranalys in Prague, built in the development project, you will pay an average of 2.5 million, which is still generally high price. For many objects is also reduced floor space and housing area is also often relatively small, such as 3 + kk often has 60 m2. For this reason, the housing development projects or disposition as important as the conversion to square meters.
If you want to sell the apartment in less lucrative location, which does not abound too good transport links, consider the marketability worse. faktoranalys Similar locations as Prague Čakovice. Lots of unsaleable flats generally has mainly Prague 3, Prague 4 and Prague 9th
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