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16th 8th 2013 | Last update: 16th 8th 2013 11:58
Prask apartments for the last three years became cheaper 6043 by ten percent. 6043 For a meter in diameter Now you pay onco VCE no 57 TISC crowns. Me for large quantities levnjch developerskch project. But analysts pedpokldaj, e market 6043 will stagnate 6043 this year apt Zane rst year.
Prices flat in Prague for the last three years decreased by ten percent, the meter tveren Now you nabz prmrn for 57,446 crowns. In 2010 m vyel to 63,852 crowns. Vyplv it from analzy, promulgated by the companys Skanska Reality.
Last year was very prmrn nabdkov price of 56,664 crowns per square meter tveren, 6043 new flats bag reln prodvaj cheap. Prmrn price prodanch apartment in Losk first halves 6043 of the year was 53,141 crowns per square meter tveren Including VAT, fell in the edition of est percent to 49,816 crowns per square meter tveren. The decrease mainly from outside zpsobil sale in levnch projects kterch developei launched large quantities pedevm at the turn of the year.
This year MLY apartment prices go flat, vptm in the bag by real estate companys access to the requested rst. "Ped does not face those years, vzvru 2010, was nabdce 8724 novch apartment and have sold 3300th In one poptvan therefore pipadly t I m nabzen. letonho in the first halves of the year were flat and nabdce 6331 by Naehe Assuming them kzvru of prod t m pt publications. uvedenho Z is obvious that e is poptvka and nabdka in Prague zanaj vyrovnvat. On one poptvan therefore be cases, one dog nabzen, "uvd Skanska Reality in St. analze.
According 6043 to the Department of editelky 6043 evolution projects and acquisitions Skanska Reality Naddy Ptkov Nyn prices apartment, two on the market, odpovdaj thorn realities. "Interest rates hypotk be darkened stle dr at historic lows. Oekvme stagnation rate for the remainder of 2013 and in the first halves of the year 2014, when they will oscillate at t equal percent. At the end of 2014, then gradually grow their pedpokldme, "said Ptkov.
Analzy pednch developerskch companys point to the oiven praskho realitnho market. According Trigema increased sales novch be first halves meziron 6043 by 34 percent to 2,410 dwelling. Analza companys Crestyl argue ev Prague for the first halves were sold in 2735 novch be what is meziron nrst of 113 apartment. So Ekospol ped from the recent informed by e analzy in his first semester to Prague apartment sold in 2369, meziron about 36 percent of VCE. Analza companys Skanska Reality talk about e developei for prvnch est msc letonho year sold a total of 2,570 apartments. Rozdln SLA brokering Odlin methodology research evidence that individual companys pouvaj.
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