Monday, March 16, 2015

Also at this point to be able to stay with me. We will sleep in the building you see in the picture

Starting from the one that started it. And talk about a trip to the trailhead. This time, it was a walk in the two sectors have. That, in order not to waste time. Let's get to it better. laburbuja I traveled to Kitadake second peak of Japan's K-2.
First, I must tell you that. Once off the bus In this area are all to be no dial tone. It even less So if you have any information as necessary. Be printed out or stored in a way that does not rely on the internet here. Among the most important thing is that the map of this place on the map then have to buy it for me. But secretly, saying, I was able to find on the internet as well because these blocks Schwarzenegger Japanese. Was kind ups to share it.
In this journey laburbuja of my map starting point or points off the bus will be the No. 1 and the goal of the trip was the number 5, which can be seen that the number 5 is not at the top of them. Because the intent is To wake up early to take Fuji. Situated just east Thus we see that in the number five. I will be facing east. This will make it easier to take photos Fuji as intended (say it is if I want to conquer the summit. Heading laburbuja shorter It can be more than that).
When everything is ready, it started off it. I started off by about 6:30 to see it. The trip will travel laburbuja from No. 1 to the yellow circle, which is the intersection. laburbuja From the yellow circle, which is the first thing I had intended to go straight to number 3, because the path from 1 to 3 are short and take less time. It is a path that is steep. Because the river is so smooth it. As a warm up to the But I was wrong I used to walk to the number 2, which is the path I walked up to him and takes longer.
I must say that the journey towards this. First, it does not I went to the laundry room I must say that I I recently traveled for the first time They are not accustomed to walking, carrying photographic equipment laburbuja because many hope to keep a beautiful back. Make this trip, I called delayed. In addition, the fact that everyone is a photographer with everyone. A walk along the side of my beautiful corner could not have stopped taking photos together laburbuja without anyone knowing. We are a time of really slowly. This can result in harm to later.
Finally, I reach the first break point or No. 2 at about 12.30 which is slow enough, but at this moment laburbuja we're all still think that. Not serious and can be passed to the next easily. We break for lunch. Which in the lodge also offers free refills of soda water and food distribution. laburbuja
Also at this point to be able to stay with me. We will sleep in the building you see in the picture above or the tent was done. Which at this point I recommend that If you are not fluent Should take a break at this area before. Then go to the next day. If I come back to this area, the more they stay the afternoon it. Because laburbuja of this, it is up to him alone. No ramp anymore
When food and water Power finished So I went to the same This afternoon, it was almost two will be seen. In fact, from talking to the people of Japan. Everyone says the same thing. I did not catch the exact destination before sunset. I suggest that it is better to stay in the lodge. Because the road for the night. It is very dangerous! But if I stay here. This means that not be possible at all. That I will take Fuji morning pace. Therefore, we decided to walk as usual. The trip was a cut down from No. 2 to No. 3 to No. 3 on the area, the river begins to chase after him. In another word, he is a smooth laburbuja river so much.
Oh, I forgot to mention one important tire is subject bathroom. Having said that, there will be fewer trips to the bathroom so much. So ask your friends to arrange a good toilet normally bathroom clean and good condition laburbuja are at various points on the map. And a bathroom at the number 3 is only temporary and that he must find a way by the wayside, or by Bush's own 555.
In addition to the number 3, the path will be rather difficult. Do not walk the same way for the beginning of the past. Thus, the Japanese have to do is sign up Noonan's circle. The circle will be either red or yellow. And this is another reason for that. Why is it dangerous to travel at night. When darkness fell, and then to walk off the road and struck it. Possible high
Everything went as expected it. Sunset, but we have not got to do it. Impossible to even a yellow laburbuja circle next to it. In spite of the map wrote. Only 2 hours when it is so, the tension began to come here. Everyone in the group began meeting. I've been out for a while waiting for that row until morning. Then proceeded to walk or take a walk back to the first breakpoint.
After talking The option is omitted, the first option is to wait until this morning. Because mobile devices are coming together for the night, nothing at all. Made to lie in wait in the woods, unaware of what is happening. laburbuja Where the climate is changing Is probably a bad idea. It allows anyone to conclude that it should be moved to. It is now left with the option to just walk back or go out.
And everyone is into that. Should go to the front. Because if you went back Return to a path down the hill. The walk down the aisle, he is smooth river. At that time, a lot of water and Gatorade.

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